Monday, January 30, 2012


Haven is already 6 mos. old today.....where has the time gone?

She has brought a new level of joy to our family.
So many things the same as her brother.......but, so many things different!
Smiling and talking are among her favorite things to do, that and sitting up and rolling around the room. Once she figures out how to crawl we are in BIG trouble, and I expect that will be VERY soon!

Jesse and Amy had family photos taken and these are a couple of them......From the ones I have seen I can't imagine picking only a few...this was HARD to do!
Miss Haven your gma loves you more than you will ever know!!
Happy 6 mos. little girl!! 

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

A little more catching up!

I am finding this new format really challenging....especially the loading picture part!! But I shall prevail!!!
So since I am having to play catch up I will start right after Christmas.....OK, so this is a little after and the pictures WAY below here are the Right after one's!! NO way I was going to deal with the frustration of moving them anymore!!!
Here is a close up of the Owl themed tree, this one is from before all the owls were up.


With Christmas over it was time to take down the tree and Lukas wanted to help "CUT" it down. For anyone who knows Lukas, he is VERY fond of his saws, or his tools in general! As always safety comes first so we had to have our goggles!!! :)

 He did get some new goggles that he can at least see through...

It came as a bit of a surprise to me that he wanted to show and share his tools with Haven. He is VERY protective of his tools, I know you thought I was going to say Haven didn't you!!!

She really enjoyed chewing on his wrench.

 Ok, I am ready to help with the tree, where do you want me!!!??

I was allowed to use one of his new saws to "cut" the branches and he would say thank you,...........

pick them up and......
 .........take them to the burn pile!!!! :)

 We had a lot of fun!!

Now a little farther back in time......a FYI, in the old format you had to load photos in reverse order for you not to have to spend FOREVER moving them around.....NOT anymore, but to save time I am leaving them as is for now! 
The day after Christmas was a beautiful sunny day, cold but we decided to heat to the big lake non the less!! We had barely gotten out of the car and Gpa took his buddy and left the rest of us behind!!:)
Yes, this is usual!

 Miss Haven was not even dressed yet and they were GONE!!

All bundled up and ready to go...I think she may have been a little confused as to what the heck was going on!!!
When we came around the corner we saw 2 buddies taking in the view!
As you can see it was a bit windy!

 YUP, these are the people I LOVE more that anything in the world!!!

Aunt Yaya and Luks, along with brown puppy, went out onto the pier to watch the crazies that were out surfing and kite boarding!!

I was awfully cold out so it was a short lived outing. Miss Haven was ready to head somewhere warm. Don't worry we didn't really let her drive!!

As always time spent with family is the VERY best gift.
Next up I will post our actual Christmas celebration and then I can go back to the day to day!!
Thanks for sticking with me on this new adventure.....:)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Sarah here!! I'm trying help my Mom figure out some of her issues with the site by adding some of my pictures and videos from recent family visits.  Just before Christmas Jesse, Amy and Lukas were bell ringers for the Salvation Army!  They got all bundled up and jingled for a great cause. 

A video of Lukas ringing that bell loud for all to hear

While the others rang bells, Haven was bundled up and taking a snooze

Our yearly tradition is making cookies on Christmas Eve.  Here is this years small batch (ok , so maybe I burned a whole sheet of cookies!!) Dad and I did the decorating, I find the catamaran to be very festive! :)

The owl themed Christmas tree this year

I was so busy enjoying the Christmas festivities I barely got any gift opening photos!  Here is Haven looking adorable before opening a copule presents

Mom and Dad are opening "footmade" presents from the kiddos.  They were framed pieces of burlap with Lukas' and Haven's painted footprints in the shape of a christmas tree.  Those are the best kinds of presents!

 The day after Christmas we took a nice drive out to Holland, MI.  It was a clear and sunny day, however cold and windy!!  When we arrived we noticed people surfing and kite boarding on the lake.  Crazies!!  Here's a picture of mom, her buddy and Brown Puppy!

Grandpa and Lukas

Big Red

Lukas on the beach

After our cold trip out on the pier we went to warm up with coffee and soup at Panera.  Here is Ms. Haven enjoying the company.  How precious is that face?  And those eyes!!! I could eat her up!

Having a heart to heart with Grandpa!

These are pictures that I tried to post weeks ago and got too frustrated.I almost gave up again tonight but stuck with it....I only lost a few in the process!!! GRRRR

This girl loves her feet!! I was always trying to get Lukas to chew his toes and I didn't even have to work on it with Haven!

He was at the window RAHHHHing ( his words) the squirrels away! Before I knew it he was out the door, barefooted!! And this is the result!

You knew I would make him pose before I let him warm up!!! :)

He was not happy!

And this is where I started to loose pictures so......this is what my kitchen looked like a few days before Christmas.

Ok so I still haven't figured out the new format to load, move, size or post the first time around...I will keep on keepin on, so keep hangin in!!!
Ok, I used keep enough...didn't I????

Trial run

Ok, so I decided to give the new format a try and see how it goes! 
 Miss Haven is growing by leaps and bounds, and is so sweet! She is a champion spitter and bubble blower!

Lukas amazes everyday. Loves to play and is sooo imaginative. Here he is after sticking his head in his waterbeads. He loves playing with those things...

And yup the owls are hanging around. I have been wanting to get a picture of them in the snow for about 6 yrs.  Sarah was sitting on the couch and happened to spot her sitting just outside the living room window!!

I will try to upload a it is on here you will know it worked....if not then you will know what my frustration level is at.....:)

And there you have it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!