I thought that I would give a little background on the owl photo for those of you that don't know it.
Three years ago my hubby heard some owls in our woods. He did some online research and built this owl box.
I never thought we would really get owls to use the box, but the first day he put it up they were checking it out. They came back in the spring to nest. We named them Hootie and the Blowfish. CUTE right?!
The first spring we had 2 babies and we were able to watch them from our kitchen window and the deck. The second summer we had 3 owlets ,Herbie, Furbie Kirby, and last year 2 more, Ike and Percy.
We have been able to follow them from egg to flight since last year when Dave installed a camera in the nestbox. As anyone who knows me can tell you this is a little bit of an addiction for those few months we have them around.
psst...I updated my blog, just for you! Any news on the arrival of Baby Lukas? I hope you & Sarah will let me sneak a peek when he comes to visit his Grams (or whatever he is to call you)!