Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Visiting Lukas
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Little of both
Aunt Sarah said she saw these and just could not resist. As long as Lukas was sleeping he didn't seem to mind. She tried them on later when he was awake and I am not sure he was that fond of them!! Aunt Ann Hahn was holding him and took care of the hand signs for him.
Monday I was out doing some owl hunting. I walked the driveway and looked in the woods around the east side of the house. I sort of pride myself in being able to spot them in the trees, even though they are hard to see. I saw no sign of them. Then I was at the kitchen window a few minutes later and spotted Hootie in the tree near the box. Can you see it?? Just a little above the middle of the shot sitting near the tunk of the tree.
I could zoom it more but I am pretty sure you can see Hootie now. I was standing in the same spot for all the pictures so you could get a sense of where they are. Dave and I are a little bummed because we are now sure we can not get to the box to fix the camera. When I took the pictures she was in a tree about 20 feet from the box and just above it. I suggested that Dave could wear his bike helmet, and a lot of padding and still make an effort to fix the camera, but he declined. So it looks like I will just have to watch the box more closely from the outside.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Well, what a difference 14 days can make in your life. The responsibility, the joy, the lack of sleep, and the incredible love. Love for another human that you never thought you could feel. You my son have just begun and amazing journey, one that I hope you take the time to enjoy. One minute they are so small and you turn around and they are grown and starting a family of their own.
Monday, February 9, 2009
I love looking at the two of them together, especially when Dave doesn't know your watching them. Don't you just love this picture?
On another note Hootie and Blowfish are back and making their presence known. Last night at around 5 o'clock they were right outside our bedroom window having a very loud conversation. We have had a couple of beautiful weather days and with the snow melting I finally found the cable connection to the video camera. We still need to find out the problem but, at least we are making progress. I wouldn't let Dave climb to the box on Saturday because it was too windy. Last thing we need is another broken bone. I am getting a little antsy though as I know they will be using the box soon.
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Trial Run
Well, we decided to try the video feature on the blog. You will have to let us know if it worked. We thought this was so cute with his little bubble blowing.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Another visit with Lukas
We settled in for a visit and a game of pass the baby...everyone needed their turn. While Great G-ma was holding him he decided to leave her a gift.