I am sure if Jesse were writing this he would be the first to admit...what a difference 2 weeks can make in your life. It has been fun for me to watch Jesse with Lukas. First at the hospital when they wrapped him and handed Lukas to Jesse. To witness that moment was a joy for a mother to see.
I was able to capture part of that moment on video.
My few minutes to hold Lukas came next and then Amy's parents got their turn. After that they took him to clean ,weigh and measure him. Jesse kept a close watch.
Well, what a difference 14 days can make in your life. The responsibility, the joy, the lack of sleep, and the incredible love. Love for another human that you never thought you could feel. You my son have just begun and amazing journey, one that I hope you take the time to enjoy. One minute they are so small and you turn around and they are grown and starting a family of their own.
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