When Grandma first got here I had just woken up from a a LONG nights sleep. Dad had to leave and head to a dentist appointment so she was in charge of breakfast. She put me in my bouncy chair (her first mistake.) For the most part I love eating but, I was just a little distracted this morning. My fingers are great for chewing.
Poor grandma would put a bite in and all I could think about was chewing my toes......with a little peaches on them they were especially yummy!!
After a little while grandma gave up on the breakfast thing...I really was not remotely interested in it at the time!!! All I really wanted to do was sit in my excersaucer and explore the wonders of my fingers!!! I usually have to have one or the other in my mouth. Please excuse the drool on them I try to keep it to the minimum but sometimes I just can't control it!!
After breakfast I played for a while and....OK I will admit it.....I had a little meltdown. Grandma tried to calm me down but, when I am determined to cry, that is just what I am going to do. Grandma laid me on the floor to go to the kitchen and before she could get a few feet away ............with my taggie and paci I fell asleep. Gram removed the taggie from my face to take the picture.
Once mom got home she taught grandma how it is done. I tend to cooperate better in the highchair. In all fairness grandma did ask dad if I should be eating in the highchair earlier but he said I would eat fine in both!!!!!
I did have a little distraction at dinner. Mom gave Schaffer a couple of warnings to get away so I would not be more interested in him than the food. He wouldn't listen and he was given a time out on the steps. As you can see he was at the ready when given permission to move!!
Later mom switched out the ice for frozen peas.....hmmmmmmmmmmm that was interesting I must say!
Lukas's grandma here:
Thank you for defending me. For some reason people think I take a lot of pictures.
But, if I had turned off the camera I would have missed this!!!!
Looks like the little guy is busy workin' on some new teeth...hope Lukas' teeth bust out soon!