Since g-ma hasn't updated her blog lately I thought I would do it for her. Not sure but she said something about being lazy. Well, so be it I am glad to fill in.
On Sunday grandpa was hard at work on the trailer, at ggma Starks house. He was installing a added room onto the back. Once it is done and the back door is down he says it will add a lot of extra crawling space for me.
Thank you for thinking about me g-pa.
Afterwards g-ma and g-pa came to visit with me at Aunt Sarah's house. We had a really great time.I got to hang with the fam and play some peek-a-boo with mom. I am now crawling on all fours but, still find it much faster to belly crawl when I really want something.
Earlier in the day I had been to the lake with my other g-ma and g-pa and had a great time there too. I needed to get some of the sun screen off so I asked aunt Sarah if I could use her tub. She was more than happy to let me use it until she saw how much splashing I can do. Hey, she said she is planning on painting the walls anyways. Grandma wanted to post the pictures of me with my butt showing!!! How embarrassing it would have been.....she said it is a really cute butt.
Man, is my face red!!!
On Tuesday g-ma came to see me again and she was teaching me how to channel my inner American Idol. We had lots of fun singing and she told me she IS the next American Idol!!!! She sings so beautifully, I can believe it!!
We also played a little hide and seek with the blanket. I love when she and I play this. I get to kicking even before she covers me up. I laugh harder when I am covered than when I can see everything!! I LOVE it!!!
I am getting much better at crawling , and I love climbing on anything. Mom and dad had to lower my bed for fear that I would pull myself up and over.
Peek-a-boo & hide and seek are the best! I love all the giggles. Keep them coming Lukas!!!!!