It is fall here in the mitten and right now we are just starting to get some color. We have had a dank, wet fall so far this year. A lot of the trees are losing the leaves before they are turning colors. I thought this one was cool because it is half and half.
Lukas was mesmerized by the drums.......that is until he saw the trail markers to play with, or the bikers riding by. So many things to distract!!
We also got a nice picture of great grandma and grandpa with Lukas. They will be heading back home in a week so it was nice we could take time together. We will miss them till they are back next spring.
We wanted to get a picture of the Elliotts together. Not only is this a 4 generation picture,but every one's middle names are Elliott. What a handsome group of guys!!
While we were out with all the camera's we were able to get this.............
But we also got a LOT of this........
And although we just couldn't get aunt Sarah to cooperate we still were able to get this!!!!
And while we weren't watching we got this one.....LOVE IT!!!!
We were very diligent and we were able to coax this one out of Lukas.....
So we settled for one of these!!! And we loved that too.
And if trying to get Lukas to hold still, not eat the leaves, try to grab the pumpkin, crawl in the woods, or eat sassafras leaves wasn't hard enough, I had to deal with these two!!!
Since it is close to Halloween I had to buy a treat for the big kids in the family!!!!
How quickly you can loose control of the situation!!!
I know I have said this many times before but, I LOVE ALL THESE PEOPLE!!!!
We have so much fun when we are together and I feel very blessed that we all still enjoy each others company. Mom and dad are going to be missed and it never seems like we have enough time. At least we can look back at all the great pictures and remember........
I love all these pictures! You have inspired me to take Jaxon out this weekend and capture some of my own!!