Here he is just before gift opening telling uncle Jay, aunt Nancy and Travis all about the Christmas celebration the other night at g-ma's.
A few years ago as the family was growing my mom came up with a plan for gift giving. Throughout the year she gathers gifts and then they are all put into red bags. If they won't fit there are #'s in the bags. Your name is drawn and you can choose. It is always fun to see what she has come up with!!! My sister Janet is the super shopper and she helps mom with the gift gathering.
Here is Michael looking very sad because the clock he got didn't have pictures of his favorite aunt Mary in it!!! That's OK I will get you some cheer up!!
And yes, the hat and scarf were part of the gifts but unfortunately they were not his!!!
Nancy scored a hat, scarf and glove set.....and as it says....shine!!
So she did!!!!
I ended up with a water bottle for Dave....couldn't leave him out....and a craftsman tape measure for me. After all the gifts were distributed there were extra gifts for the taking. Jay could hardly wait to get his hands on this hat!!!!
Look how happy he is!!
There is always the opportunity to trade with someone else. It was kind of surprising but I think the only one that traded was Mike T. Why he didn't want to keep his crystal glass I will never know!!! Lukas decided to try and eat a bowl, so Amy and Jesse took that too......hey, who's hand is that on the red blanket??? I think Jay took the leopard blanket, Sarah took the other bowls and the red blanket made it to Vicksburg.
A GREAT time was had by all!!
What a pleasure to be able to spend time together. As the family grows it is always a challenge to find room for everyone and it was so nice for Brian and Rhonda to open there house to the clan.......and I know they look forward to next year...wink wink!!!
And with that Lukas was over all the Christmas celebrations and ready for a nap!!
Said it before and I will say it I LOVE this family!!!