On Saturday we headed down to V-burg to celebrate the aforementioned birthday. When we got there Lukas was not feeling the best. He is working on those pesky top teeth. He was running a low grade fever and was a little messy faced!! But in true Lukas fashion he was trying to be happy. Here you can see he takes after his mommy!! They play the same!!!! :) :)
Lukas and I sat and read a book together. He was really enjoying it...........OK that should be we!!!
Once again Aunt Sarah will go to all extremes to get a laugh out of Luke. Here she is channeling her inner Baby Bop ( I know wrong color, but come on it does look like her) from Barney!! What else would you do with a Boppie? (get it???)
And after they played ....they lunched!! He wasn't too interested but anything was better than nothing!!
After all that excitement and eating someone found their best buddy for a little snooze!! It has to be noted that the first one to sleep was not the one with the paci!!!!!!
It was a good thing they napped. We went out for dinner and G-pa was more than happy to keep Lukas occupied. They checked out all the Christmas decorations the restaurant had to offer. They were both very happy. Dave is so very smitten with his little buddy and enjoys showing him around.
Oh and someone else wanted a nap after Lukas woke up. Once again Dave was happy to oblige(Or maybe he was just not aware!!!!)
Sleep tight Kitty!!!
Soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur, happy kitty,sleepy kitty, purr purr purr...