Told you I would be back soon!! So after we celebrated g-ma's birthday my daddy had a surprise for her and my mommy. For g-ma she was surprised when daddy told her that I was going to her house to spend the night, and mommy was shocked that they were going out for the night. So besides the great books I got for g-ma, and the cd mom and dad got her, and the charms aunt Ya Ya got her, and the camera from g-pa ,she got to have me over for the night!!! Wasn't she lucky?!?! And yes, you heard me right, another camera for g-ma!!!!
G-ma said she got to wake up with her 2 favorite Valentines. I slept through the night and when I woke up at 6:30 g-ma wanted to cuddle on the couch for a while.......and at 8:00 she took me in and laid me next to g-pa so she could start breakfast.I was trying to talk to g-pa about trimming his facial hair.......we had a long conversation and I pointed out the changes that I thought g-ma would like!
I am starting to find my words...I say fa when I see the fan and when there is a smoke detector I say dedede (or something like that). Of course, I say mommy and daddy. On Monday g-ma came to visit in V-burg and we had a lot of fun. When I was at her house she and g-pa were a little worried because they thought I was a little tipsy When g-ma got here I was also having hives. A trip to the doctors and yep, I have another ear infection!!!! But in true Lukas fashion I wouldn't let it get me down!!!!
And yes, I find it fascinating to pull things around....and around....and around. Here I found g-ma's camera bag very interesting.
Mommy and daddy are changing the living room around and so most of my toys are here in the corner. I found it to be a great place to hide from g-ma!!!
Oh NO, she found me!!!!!
Whew......have you heard enough?? I had a really great time with the whole family. Next time I hope it won't be so long between posts.
Bye for now!!!
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