As g-ma has mentioned my g-pa and daddy were off in sunny Arizona having a great time bike riding. I really missed him. While he was gone g-ma came down to watch me 4 days last week. We were lucky and had some nice weather so we got to hang out and do a lot of fun things. My Nana O bought me this cool tent and tunnel and I am really having fun with it. G-ma keeps throwing things down the tube and making me fetch........good things it is so much fun!!!
I started swimming lessons at the local YMCA and this was the first time that g-ma got to come along and watch. I am a really busy guy and even in the locker room I have to stay in touch. OK, so while g-ma wasn't looking I took her phone...I just wanted to call my dad and let him know how much I missed him!!!
This is me getting ready to dive in. It's a good thing that mom is right there to catch me. Oh, and what do you think of my very cool swimsuit??
Not only that but she is more than happy to help me with my swimming skills. She took me around and around that pool, helped me with my various swim strokes, and my motorboat skills. She is the VERY best mommy EVER!!!!

Back at the humble abode and g-ma was testing me on all the new things I am learning. Here she is asking me where my belly button is.................
So I obliged and showed her!!!! I am learning a lot of things lately....just a few examples....I love helping around the house, I take things to the trash, help with the vacuuming, and picking up my own toys. I love to say OH OH when things fall to the floor(don't believe it when someone tells you I throw things down). I say bye, out(when I want to go outside), and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. OK so maybe not the last word but I am using a lot of new words.!!
I was longing to go outside and help with the yard work.
I begged and begged. I even had to get my own shoes and coat on.
But FINALLY I got to go out in the sunny weather. I helped with pulling some old plants so the new ones can grow. Of course I took my pole with me where ever I went. When I let g-ma have it she used it to steer me around the yard. I love my new shades too.
We sure did have a lot of fun and you can't beat this weather!!!
With that g-ma went back to GR for the next day and then she came back with a surprise. What was that was aunt YAYA. While they were here we went out for a picnic. Mommy and I had a picnic with g-ma the day before also. I am sure lovin this outdoor stuff better with out all the white stuff on the ground. We went to the play ground across the street for some fun!!!

Aunt YAYA was pushing me way high in the swing.....I like this!! When can I have one of these in my back yard????

I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AUNT YAYA....Thanks for swinging with me!!

And for helping me climb that really high wall so I could get to the slide.

And of course for making sure I didn't fall while I was sliding down the slide!!

To top off a wonderful time I found three awesome sticks just laying on the ground....I feel sorry for whoever left those toys at the playground....but I was happy to play with them!!!

I gave one to aunt Ya Ya and one to g-ma ( see I am learning to share), and we walked around the racetrack.
Here you can see I am challenging Ya Ya to a race!!!

It was a long ways around that track and there were a few race fans out to cheer me on. That little boys name was Lukas also, can you imagine that!?!?!
Guess who won!!!!????
Me of course, she just couldn't keep up!!

G-ma said she was including this picture so you could see my cute(her words, not mine) red cheeks from being outside. Oh, and maybe I drool a LITTLE bit too!!!
Saturday and mommy, aunt Ya and g-ma headed back up to GR.
Guess why??
Because daddy and g-pa were coming home and I wanted to be there to meet them. The weather where they were got bad in the mountains and so they ended up taking a longer route home. It added about 5 hours to the trip but at least they were safe. I ended up falling asleep waiting for them. But in the morning.....I got to hug my daddy!!! YEAH!!!
And maybe, just maybe we were both suffering from a case of bedhead!!!

Well, I am out of here. I need to bond with daddy again.
Thanks for the interest in my busy week.
Oh, and g-ma said to tell you she will update you all on the owls in the next couple of days.