Hey, I am back again for the last little bit of an update on the weekend. G-ma came down to V-burg after my overnight stay at their house. We had a lot of things to do while she was here.
As you all may know g-ma takes a few pictures!!!! I knew you would find that bit of news shocking!!! :) Anyways, I made an attempt to stop her from filming EVERYTHING I do. First I tried to hide behind the chair. Guess I shouldn't have tried to be so cute,...."Hey, g-ma get out of here, this is my commentary and you are making me sound like I am full of myself!!"
Anyways, back to me......I tried grabbing the camera from her.
But, no matter how hard I pulled she wouldn't relinquish that camera.
After a few futile attempts I just gave up and asked to go outside. We finally are having a stretch of sunny weather here in Michigan and I wanted to take advantage of it!! I had to clear the rest of the snow off the driveway for my daddy.
He left a little snow on the driveway and I wanted to be able to drive around so I took matters into my own hands!!!
Then g-ma let me drive around in my cozy coupe. It is really a fun little car to drive!!
I had to really work hard on that driveway and after we went back inside I was exhausted. I didn't want to take my hat off though, just in case I wanted to go out again. I walked around for a few minutes, picked up my paci and tags and asked g-ma if she would let me sit on her lap for a few........she happily obliged!!! Night Night all!!
I want to thank Lukas again for his comments on the blog. I was a little upset after trying for a few hours to upload a video. For some reason it is not letting me do that and I am finding it really frustrating, especially since I have had some REALLY cute ones that I wanted to share. Anyways, We had a great time watching Lukas and then on Wednesday night we decided to head over to Sarah's and help finish up her bathroom. I hunted for a before shot and I am sorry I couldn't find one. Painting was done, mirror rehung and Dave measured for proper picture hanging.
One down, one to go!!
While Dave tried to hang the other pic, Sarah helped!!! OK,I use that word lightly, she used his laser level to lure Charlie to help!!!
Even with all the distractions Dave was able to get pic#2 up.
And with that her room is DONE!!!
I think she is happy with the results!! What room to do next? That watching HGTV is going to be a problem!!!
Her new room really looks great and we are happy we could lend a hand. With this I think I am caught up with the recent happenings around here.
Oh, and I need to say a special congratulations to my nephew Travis. He and his b-ball team had a 20-0 season and took the conference championship!!! Way to go!!!! Districts start Monday and I am hoping to go to the game so stay tuned to see how they do!
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