Gumpa was outside getting all his gear together for his bike race and I stole (borrowed) these out of his bag!!! HEHE.... I think they fit perfectly don't you!!!!
Here we are at the Lumberjack you can see there are a lot of participants, all getting set up!!!
Daddy and gumpa getting geared up and ready to go. I was a little surprised because just the day before I gave daddy some germs and he was running a 103.7 degree fever. He also ended up with blisters in his mouth (like 30 of them) and his hands and feet. Unfortunately, because of this he wasn't able to complete the race, but I am sooooo proud of him for trying!!
Someone was just a little too excited if you ask me!!!
Go out there an give it your best...don't let anyone intimidate you and remember I will be here to cheer you on......Now get our there and kick some B#%%, ummmm...don't tell mommy I said that!!
OK, gumpa you are doing this is what you have to do on the next lap!!!!!
After all that I needed a little re-fueling so I grabbed a banana for some energy!!!
All that coaching...(Oh, and being woken up at 6 in the morning) makes for one tired I crashed on aunt Yaya for a little while!!
As long as I can get my finger in one of the tags on my taggie I am a happy boy!!!
As soon as he was finished I HAD to sit and tell him what a great job he did. He was only able to finish just shy of half the 100 miles, as he was cramping. I didn't even care if he was all sweaty!!!
I made friends with some of the other spectators.....I was checking out his daddy's bike so he came to chat!! I am not sure what mom was doing here......I was doing a fine job on my own and I was NOT planning on touching his bike!!! No REALLY I wasn't!!!
Even though both Daddy and gumpa had a hard day at the race they took the time to play with me the rest of the afternoon. First they tried to impress me with their kite flying skills!!! This is about as high as it got....but they promised we would try again sometime!!
Mommy Daddy and I posing in Fort Oak on the playground!
Happy Fathers Day dad!!!
And since I looked like a commando I decided to do some recon work .......and tried to sneak into the back of the trailer un-noticed!
And then some belly crawling across the floor to see what was happening in the front of the trailer!! Actually it was not as interesting as i thought it would be!!
G-ma says we are her 3 favorite guys.....can ya blame her!?!?!?!
Ummmmm...gumpa I have to get going, but I had a really great time with all of you this weekend!!
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