So this is my second Christmas, but the first one that I can really remember!!! I would love to show you all the fun things I did at my house, but Gma doesn't have those pics, so I will just tell you about that part. I made some reindeer food at JoDawna's house and I had a lot of fun putting it in the yard for them!!! Then I helped mom and dad make cookies for Santa and we left those out with carrots for the reindeer once they got here. They must have been a little full because they did not finish them!!
Then after a good nights sleep I came downstairs and to my surprise Santa had left some gifts for me to open!!! It was AWESOME....I got a kitchen to play with, a bull hozer, a big digger and some tools....I think I could get to like this Christmas thing!!! :)
Then it was off to Non's and Papa's house to celebrate with mommy's family. After that and it was off to Gpa's and Gma's house and look who was there to greet me!!!
Silly Gpa....I thought for a minute that Santa had gotten waylayed at their house until I recognized that it was just Gpa in a funny shirt!!
Gpa has been secretly working on a surprise for me.......!!! I LOVE it when G
pa takes me downstairs to play with the big trains! When we walked around the corner I
immediately noticed that something was very different!!! This was not the same train set that we play with all the time!!! Then to my delight
Gpa told me that he had made me one of my own!!!

It is beyond AWESOME!!!!
Gpa made it so it will fold up against the wall at my house when I am not playing with it!!

I just had to show mommy how it all works!!!

I may have turned the controller a little far and those trains really can MOVE!!! :)
They were going so fast they flew right off the tracks....guess I will have to be monitored a little for awhile!!!

I showed mommy the engine that used to be my daddy's when he was a little boy!!
Thank you
sooooooo much
Gpa I LOVE it!!

Then it was time to head upstairs to open some gifts.
Gma's sister Janet told her about a really cute idea for a Christmas ornament and I made one for mommy and daddy. I used my hand print to make 5 little snowmen on a bulb......mommy REALLY liked it!!

Then since I was handing out gifts I decided to give one to aunt

I think she REALLY liked it!!!! :) It surprised me when she started to cry!
It is a secret that I have wanted to tell her about for a few weeks now, but this seemed like the perfect time!!
Gma was happy she didn't have to keep the secret anymore.

Then it was my this Christmas thing is
sooooo COOL!

Great Grandpa and Grandma Ward sent me this silly cute!

Lots of paper was used!!

No particular reason for this picture.....I asked G
ma why she put it in for my comments and she said she just thinks I am too cute........
awww G
ma!!! You're funny!!

Mommy and daddy were busy opening gifts, but look at what I got.....this really awesome flashlight!!!

I also got a
tool bench to play with when I am hanging out at G
ma's house!! I loved the goggles that came with it!! But they did leave some deep red marks around my eyes!! :)

All it all it was a great time.....It was a little exhausting for such a little guy....but so much fun and a lot of good memories!!!

Then I turn around and this is what I see!!!!

Oh yea!!!! They BAD!!!

All I know is I am a little concerned because these are my ROLE MODELS!!!
Better wish me LUCK!!!

And I have to go home with this one!!!!

After all that I was really tuckered out. We spent the night at G
and G's and it was so nice.
I did wake up once and aunt
Yaya was nice enough to let me cuddle with her for the rest of the night!!

Well, that was my day for the most part...I say bring on the next one!!! Just let me have a little while to catch up on some sleep!! Next year I will get to share all my lessons about the holidays with a new brother or sister!!