In order to do this blog thing right I need to start at the end and go backwards..........
On Sunday the day after Christmas we gathered at Brian and Rhonda's house..( a HUGE THANK YOU to them for taking on the crowd! Their daughter Sami was gracious enough to serve tea and crumpets to the waiting guests!!

A little toast to Christmas!!

Come on everyone join in!!
I thought it was really lovely that Travis and Michael joined in and played along!!


After partaking in a LOT of great food we gathered downstairs for some gift giving!!
My guys and Travis waiting patiently!!

Some of the other family members taking it all in!!

We all know that Lukas has a love for anything with a stick that he can aunt sisstalker got him a stick horse. And since his gpa has a vast history with the stick horse he showed him how to ride it!
I know you all are dieing to know the story!!
When he was very young and living near 44th st. he and his sister Dianne decided to ride their stick horses ( with all the appropriate attire) to a little place called Candy Ann's which was a VERY long ride down a VERY busy road! At one point a police officer drove past and thought it strange to see 2 under 5yr. olds riding those horses down Division Ave.!!!! He stopped those riders and asked them if they knew where they lived and that he(the sheriff) would give them a ride home! Their Very PREGNANT mother noticing that her children were missing had jumped in her car in search of her runaways, only to pass them waving out of the back window of a Police car!!!! :)

Sami and Cody wearing the gift tags!!! And saying HO HO HO!!

It wouldn't be a family gathering if my kiddo's were not picking on one another!!

Victoria trying on here tutu!!

And in the words of a little girl in Kentucky that Jesse, Amy and Lukas ran into over a year ago!!
"Good Luck to you little boy, chewing on your mamma's purse!!"

Victoria seemed to love Amy's blanket!!

My sister Janet knitted us a scarf and Lukas kept calling Nancy's Elmo and hugging it!!!

If you can read these shirts I can tell you the answer to the question!!
I am the evil sister and couldn't be more proud!!

Come on Janet whats a little lick between sissy's!!!!

See even Lukas says lighten up!!!!

After all the hub bub Sarah took some time to hang with her favorite little man!!

All in all we had a GREAT CHRISTMAS!!
THANK YOU again to Brian and Rhonda for hosting the gathering!
Thanks to everyone else for being such a great was fun!!!
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