I am a REALLY BAD g-ma!!! I posted an introduction blog and then I didn't follow through and tell you all about our beautiful new addition!!
It was obvious when we walked in that somebody's mommy and daddy had been talking about him before his arrival!!! Dr. and nurses alike greeted him by name! Here one was asking him his puppy's name. He kept saying BROWN puppy, and she kept asking...until I said what are your other puppy's names. When he told her grey and blue puppy, she got it and chuckled!!
Is this not the most adorable family!!!! xoxo
Aunt Yaya may have shed a few tears upon meeting her niece!
She puts a smile on every ones face!
Who would know that it was less than an hour before this that she was born...These are 2 beautiful girls!!
Nonni and Papa getting a glimpse!
Miss Haven was not too sure about sharing her weight with the world....!!!
The nurse helping her with her modesty!
Daddy looking on proudly! Just waiting for his turn to hold his little girl.
Lukas giving his sister a tender kiss with his finger with a little help from nonni!
She certainly won over everyones hearts right away. It is not so easy to see here but she is very petite and sooooo very sweet. I think she looks VERY much like her brother!
And while she was laying there so peacefully that mean nurse came over and gave her a shot....OUCH!!
She seemed a little bit happier when she was getting all cleaned up!
Lukas and mommy chatting while the rest of the group watched over baby sister!
Finally daddy got his turn to hold his little girl! I think he was a bit smitten and I am sure she already has him wrapped around her finger!
Gently kissing his sister!!
Then when daddy let others have a turn....you can see what he did!!! Hey, there was a tigers game on the TV what would you expect!!
Like father like son.....tractor videos on the phone are always a good choice!!
Lukas brought cupcakes to celebrate Haven's BIRTH-DAY!!!
I am pretty sure this was his favorite part of the day!:)
Even little sister!!!
I could not have been anymore thrilled than when it was my turn to snuggle on this little one. She is so beautiful and so content. She has dark hair and only time will tell if we get curls!!
One really proud gpa...He waited patiently but he sure was happy when he finally got to hold her. Who knew....on the way home he told me he couldn't wait to start buying my little pony stuff??? He clarified that he was looking forward to buying pink things!! :)
Amy's mom and dad getting a chance to bond with their new little love! Haven is their 6th. grand baby and the 5th grand daughter!!

Then when daddy let others have a turn....you can see what he did!!! Hey, there was a tigers game on the TV what would you expect!!
I am pretty sure this was his favorite part of the day!:)
Papa getting his own moment with little miss!
Amy's mom made Haven this hat while she waited for her arrival and Lukas was willing to lend a hand putting it on!
Before too long Amy's brother Mike, his daughter Ashtynn, wife Becky and their sister Michelle arrived to welcome Haven!
I think they liked her!
Soon after they arrived it was time to move to another room. Lukas decided to ride on daddy's shoulder while Haven rode with mommy!! :)
Seriously, could she be any cuter!!!! XOXOXOXO
With great timing Dave's sister Dianne and her daughter Betsy "fetsy" were here for a visit. Feeling bad that we didn't get much of a chance to visit, but I am thinking having the chance to meet Haven was well worth it!!
Here they are visiting at the hospital.
Great grandma Ward getting to hold Haven for the first time!
Betsy getting to hold her next!
Great grandpa playing with the boppy!!
And chatting about something with Lukas!
Then getting his turn to bond with Haven!
Gpa waited and waited and FINALLY he was able to snuggle with his little love!!
Around this time they came and told Amy and Jesse that they could go home!! So with that we bundled up Haven and gathered all the gear.....Lukas decided to hang out under the cart!!
Feeling a little tender he decided he wanted to ride out with mommy. I was surprised that they let Jesse carry out the baby and not have her ride with Amy!
Arriving home just a little over 24 hours after she was born!!!!!!
Finally home and without a lot of other people hanging around Lukas got a chance to hold his little sister. He is going to be a GREAT BIG BROTHER!!
I spent the night with the family. Haven was sooooo great. She had a little time between 1 and 3 and then slept till 8:30!!! Since then she is giving Amy sleep time for about 5 to 6 hours at night...let's hope that continues!!
Here they are visiting at the hospital.
Just in time for a little gift!!!! :) :)
In the afternoon while I was making lunch in the kitchen I noticed that the livingroom had grown REALLY quiet!!
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