Where have I been you ask?!?!
Well a few weeks ago gma and mommy took me to a farm. Great gma Stark was kind enough to talk to one of her neighbors who said I could come and have a combine ride. Remember how much I like tractors and farm equipment!!!??? When we first got there the first ting we saw was the milk barn. We got to go in........it was funny because gma had no plans to go muckin around and she had her flip flops on!!! Must be she has forgotten what farm life was like!!!! :)
Now it must be noted that I was tricked here!!!!!
The farmer first told us we could smell it and that was not so bad. Then he said we could taste it, if we wanted and he put a wet fingertip into it and tasted......
I DID NOT see this and went for the entire handful before anyone could STOP me!!!
THANK GOODNESS my wonderful gma was along to help me clear out my mouth....she is sooooo awesome!!
Then I spotted Otis.....well it may not have really been him but he sure did look like it! Otis is this really cool tractor in one of my story books!!
We were pretty dusty after crawling around in the feed and the farmer helped me clean up with the air compressor.
I had a GREAT time and send a Big Thank You to the DeHaan's they were so nice and friendly!!
I am supposed to pass along a message for gma....she said she is going to make sure and update this blog on a more regular basis!!!
She has a lot of cute pics to share!
Yeah for an update!