We all headed down for a Lukas visit on Sunday. We decided to bring the fixins for breakfast and make it a early visit.....anyone remember the time change??? We woke up started to get ready and remembered we had lost and hour. We were hoping the rest of the family remembered so when we showed up they were not still asleep. Sarah had forgotten, but Jesse, Amy, and Lukas were prepared. Right away Lukas wanted his grandma. So of course I obliged. He seems to be saying.....Ok this is the lady with the camera and she is probably going to take a million photos.....save me!!!
While we were preparing and eating breakfast Lukas decided to make up the hour of sleep he lost.

You can just spend all your time looking at this little face.

A happy Aunt Sarah with a sleeping Lukas.
Here is Lukas sporting his new outfit sent to him by his Swedish Aunt Annika and Uncle Orjan. He really liked it and he looked so cute in it. Annika lived with grandpa Dave and his family for a year back in high school. We were happy to reconnect with her a couple years ago and look forward to seeing her again soon. Thank you !
Lukas likes to look in the mirror, and following his toys.
He was so happy to have company. It is sooooo cute to see his little personality forming....Happy boy!
Here is a short video of our happy little guy. He really likes his mommy's voice.
Last night the little ladies man spent the evening with his great grandma Stark, great aunt Janet and Nancy and his great cousins, grandma and Sarah. We had a really nice time. Many had not met Lukas yet and I know he was a big hit.

Amy had to make the rounds to the ends of the table so everyone could say their hello's.
Here is Lukas with Auntie Janet....and she threatened me about putting her picture on the blog.....not sure what part of WHATEVER she didn't understand. 
Blog part # 2
Jesse and Amy have a Wii and much fun was had by all. Here you can see Dave really got into the game. I am pretty sure this is him bowling!! It was worth a lot of laughs.
Sarah and Jesse boxing. Just so you know She whooped him....way to go Sar!!
Here is a short video of Dave and Jesse playing tennis. I am not sure who was enjoying it most, the boys or Sarah. I have a couple more that are very funny and I will include them in another entry.
As you can see it trashed Dave. Both he and Sarah said that the next day they could actually feel that they had a little workout. They bowled, boxed, golfed and played tennis.
We had a really nice time all around. Spending family time is always very special.On another note we see the owls on and off now. I really miss not having the camera in the box, because I could always see what was going on. I will continue to monitor and send a owl update ASAP.
He's getting too big!