Spring has Sprung...........or has it??? One very small sign that it is at least trying to make an appearance.
I probably should have put this post together yesterday as my mood was different. Oh well, today is the day and the mood is the mood, so read on. We live in a pretty crazy world these days and everyone has there ways of coping. For me the pictures that follow speak volumes!!!!
Jesse, Amy, Lukas, and Sarah came over for a visit on Sunday. There is a bright spot after all!!! It did not matter how we tried...Lukas was fascinated with anything near the ceiling. He arched his back and no matter what position you tried he would not bend. WOW! what an awesome ceiling fan!
Two of the most special people in my world. My sweet Sarah and her favorite nephew. My Sweet grandson and my favorite daughter!!!
Here is my sweet son with his wonderful son. My wonderful son with his sweet son.
If you question how you put some of the angst of the world behind you......view the following picture......ENOUGH SAID!!!
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