Hello everyone, Lukas here. I asked my grandma if I could write the blog this time. Being the wonderful, awesome, caring grandma she is she said sure. I thought I would tell you about the last 2 days in my life, while hanging out with grandma.
Well, lets see when mom got home from work it was time for some dinner. I wasn't too sure I was up for it!
Allright now I may be getting used to the taste.
Yup, bring it on I like it!!!!
After dinner I tried to lend a hand by washing my own face.
I never realized before what a hard job this is. It always LOOKS easy from this side of things.
OK, now I am getting the hang of it. And it feels good on the gums also.
After I cleaned up mom let me practice my self feeding skills. I think I am doing a real impressive job, don't you???!!!
I was rewarded for all my efforts with a big hug and some playtime with mom. She is so AWESOME....everyone should be so lucky as to have a mom like mine!!

The next day after mom and dad left for work I got some hanging time with gram. I got to kick and roll around on the floor for a while. OH, not to brag but I am rolling front to back and back to front, all the time now. I surprised grandma by rolling across the room yesterday. She went into the kitchen and when she returned I had made a lot of progress...she put me back on my mat. Later in the morning I got to play in my excersaucer. I really have a lot of fun in this and can stand and turn around. Grandma says she is particularly fond of my hams ( as she calls my legs). I am quite proud of them myself. I am working on building up my biking muscles!!

Now, for the most part I try to maintain a good attitude but sometime a guy just has had enough. So ,everyone is entitled to a little melt down once and awhile. It usually doesn't last long but, I was ready for a nap. Of course grandma came to my rescue and gave me lots of hugs and squishes. All in all we had a really nice day.

Thanks to Lukas for his nice blog and kind words. I can guarantee you I am more than happy to spend time with this guy. He is getting to be so much fun. Jesse and Amy are going to have there hands full very soon.

Loving this boy!!!