Well, where to start.....best to start at the beginning, right?? I didn't realize how long it was between posts. Last weekend we were at Sarah's house and while we were there my cousin Dorothy her husband Norm and a visiting family member from the Czech Republic came to visit.
Here he is with Sarah enjoying a great weather day. His name is Jiri ,with some little marks that I don't know how to add with the computer!! He is here for 3 weeks . It was nice to meet him and we hope to see more of him soon. He apologized if we couldn't understand him but I told him that his English was way better than my Czech!!!
After they left we got back to the work at hand......tree branch trimming!!! Dave did all the really hard work, I supervised from the deck.........hey, someone has to do it!!! Sarah was on clean-up duty.
On Tuesday I went down to Jesse, Amy and Lukas's house. As you can see Schaffer and Otto are great friends. This cat climbed all over him and he was more than happy to allow it.
I know....how cute is this. Lukas and Grandma reading together. Now I must tell you that I do not always make him wear his new owl hat!!! It is part of a costume that he has.....what else would it be but an owl!!! He was more that happy to keep it on and help me turn the pages.
Lukas has a new trick (learned skill.) He sucks his bottom lip in really far.
And, this is what happens when he smiles while he is sucking in the lip.......OMG is this not the cutest little face!!?!?!
The final results of all the lip sucking is that he has learned to blow raspberry's. The following 2 videos is the effort and the accomplishment. I laughed over and over again and I hate to admit how MANY videos I took of this!
It is so fun to watch the concentration it took. He would watch and listen and then you could see the wheels spinning and the tongue moving around. I love it!!! Sorry, it is the Lukasitis talking.
He also had a great time in his excersaucer. He can really get this thing going. He jumps up and down and spins around playing with all the toys. He loves the keys and the little see through ball thing. He tries to fit the whole thing in his mouth. It is funny to watch because you can see through the end and watch him chewing on it.
After all the fun it was bath time. When he was done mom introduced him to the cutie in the mirror. He seems like a really awesome friend! He also had his 4 month Dr. appointment on Thursday and he is now.....wait for it......18 lbs. and 26 and a half inches.......HOLY COW!!!! Jesse and Amy said they may have to rethink the biking career and think linebacker.
We have not seen or heard the owlets since Memorial day and we had been wondering where they may have gone. On Tuesday night Dave finally heard them outside the window. When I got back on Wednesday I was on the deck and spotted all 3 back in the woods.
They were about 130 ft. away and towards the top of a tree. You can see 2 pretty well but one was hiding in the leaves. Trust me she is there. I know the picture is a little grainy but it is as far as I could zoom, and still get a picture.
Here is a short video of them on the branch. You can see the head bobbing. Dave would whistle or screech and they would look over. We have seen and heard them throughout the day and night since. It was good to see that they are all 3 still thriving.
See that wasn't so long, was it?? Surprise, surprise, surprise I can tell a story quickly!!!!! Sometimes I even amaze myself!!!
A regular ole Prince Charming there! :) By the way, Mr. Cheeks now weighs more than Colin! And yeah yeah, I need to update my blog!