I always wonder how to start the blog. Sometimes it seems there are so many things to share. It's not like the events of the day are world changing, but I must say they are important to us. I hope everyone who reads the blog enjoys sharing some of our little moments!! The opportunity to share with family and friends near and far is so important to us. For those only interested in the owls....sorry...we only see or hear them on rare occasions now. Dave happened to see one of the babies sitting on the fence when he came home the other night. We hear some hooting in the woods after dark sometimes also.
Now for the rest of the happenings.
We are keeping the new trailer at my parents house, and we spent the day Saturday doing some more updates. Sarah helped Dave with he installation of the new hitch box. Dave is thrilled with having some outside storage. I could have taken some pics of him installing the sewer tube, but decided to spare you!!!
Sarah has always been my picky eater but the one thing she has always loved is my moms home grown peas. My mom is always concerned with getting them in the ground in time for her to have some by time it's Sarah's birthday. Mission accomplished!!
So, for those who didn't know a couple weeks ago Jesse and Lukas hit a deer on the highway. It ended up that there car was totaled, no one hurt though. Thank Goodness!! So, they have been using the jeep for a couple weeks while they waited to hear what was happening and looking for something new. Decision made and today they picked up the new (used) ride. I think they are happy with there choice.
OH, come on!!! All worn out and having done nothing!?!?! Night night Jesse.
Lukas stylin in his shades. I am always surprised that he wears his hat and never seems to mind. Today the shades, and he never touched them either. How cute!!
Hey, grandpa here I come!!!
It was REALLY windy today. They said 20 mile an hour gusts....they were wrong, they were much higher. Sorry, Sarah for the windblown hair shot but Lukas was so cute here I had to include it!!
He didn't mind taking a walk in the grass but liked the deck a little better! I am surprised that he is so strong. I swear if he had better balance he wouldn't need anyone to hold on to him at all.
Mom insisted that I take her picture in the lovely shirt that my sister Nancy helped her pick out. Mom said Nancy is forever checking her closet to see if she has worn it yet!!!! So here is the proof and by the way she really looks stunning in it.....good job Nanc.
The reason we descended on Sarah was to celebrate here birthday. It was actually on Thursday but, she was otherwise occupied. She and a friend were seeing NKOTB (new kids on the block), and channeling her inner teenager!!!

We were growing older waiting for her to remove ALL the candles!! Love you Sarah!!
Lukas pitched in and had his first taste of whipped cream.
Watch out Jesse she looks dangerous with that knife.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Sarah we are so proud of you and who you are!!!
Here he is channeling his inner Olympic diver.
As always I pick a shot that I love to end the blog.
So with this happy smile I will close for now. Hopefully you all enjoy the "Days of our Lives"
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