Here in the wooded wonderland we have had a lot of trees come down in the last couple years. In years past ( when we were younger!) we could take care of all the wood. We love a nice warm wood fire in the stove. Well, on Friday my niece and her hubby and 2 kids, (and their younger backs) came to split the wood for us.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Busy weekend and new milestones!!
Here in the wooded wonderland we have had a lot of trees come down in the last couple years. In years past ( when we were younger!) we could take care of all the wood. We love a nice warm wood fire in the stove. Well, on Friday my niece and her hubby and 2 kids, (and their younger backs) came to split the wood for us.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Turkey...NOPE Owls!
May you and yours have a great Turkey Day!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Prepping for the holidays!!
Sarah breaking an egg. Aunt Janet was there that day to learn also and to lend moral support!!. I think someday she will get over the trauma of watching Sarah and this egg!!!! :)
This is the finished product. Now all we need is the kraut!!! It should be noted that NO ONE in my house will eat this, but really that leaves more for those who will!!!! Now can she remember how to do it????
HMMMMM.....wonder if I should ask???? Naw maybe mom will remember!!
I posted the pictures above as a reminder to be thankful for family and traditions. I am so looking forward to spending the day with family and friends. The BIG bird is thawing in the fridge and the cupboards are full and ready to go Thursday morning. But the thing I look most forward to is seeing and being with Ya'all!!!
And just for fun.....Sarah went to spend a day with Jess, Amy and Lukas a couple weeks ago and this is a video she took. Hey, he loved it!!!
Love to all!!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
All in a day...or 2
Hello, hope you all don't mind if I take over the blog again. I know grandma writes about me a lot but sometimes I need to set the record straight!!! So, what is new with me. I have 2 teeth and I am pretty sure that I may be getting some on top now. I love sticking my tongue out and up and sucking in my top lip. I can stand for a long time without help, and whenI forget I can't walk yet, I take a couple of steps between things. Sometimes I forget I don't have anyone there and go for it!!! Yesterday I took 3 asteps between dad and G-ma. I love sitting up on my knees, and especially like to bounce to music. Aunt Sarah has some cute videos of me but, g-ma hasn't gotten them yet. I make all sorts of different, da, goo, na, ba, and the all important blah. Grandma wants to believe that when she asks me I point to my do I have her fooled!!! Oh, and I am not a happy kid, NOPE NOT me!!!
One of the newest things I like to do is drink from my sippy cup. Of course after you take a few swallows it is WAY FUN to flip the straw and spray a little water. You should try it sometime it is a real hoot!!!! I am pretty impresssed with myself!!
I have also figured out the gumball machine. Now not only can I get them all out but I can put them back in. That is when I don't decide to chase the balls all around the room. I LOVE to crawl up on them and then bat them with my hand and chase after them again!!
Just curious
Do you all find the stem on an apple this fascinating.
And, just so you know the stem is not the tastiest part.
Now as you all know toys are great fun!!! I love getting new things.....but holy cow do I love a good box. They are so interesting. I was happy until it kept getting stuck on my foot.Oh and please forgive g-ma for talking and laughing so much in this video. I am not the most patient person ,I now know what I want I just don't have the words to ask for I point and in my own cute, adorable, non- whinny way ask for assistance in getting what I am looking for!!!!
I love playing hide and seek with my daddy. He is sooooooo funny. Grandma says that I really light up when he comes home.
Aunt Sarah bought me this really cute lion. I get all giddy when dad fly's me at him. I also like crawling on him and then watching him bounce back up!
The curtains on the front door are on a magnetic curtain rod. Last night g-ma unwrapped them so they could hang down like normal. She must have forgotten about me!!! I innocently crawled over to the door where I always play and one tiny tug on the curtain and this is what I get!!! I have to say I wasn't too happy with her in that moment!!!
In closing I will turn it back over to g-ma. Bye for now!!!
So if you are all sick of me bragging about Lukas now would be a good time to quit reading!!! I sure am smitten with this little guy. I am feeling a little tender hearted for the v-burg edition today as the lady who sat for Lukas from the time Amy went back to work is no longer available to watch Lukas. He sure will miss her and her kids, and Jess and Amy have had to scramble to find someone who can take over. Then today was supposed to be her first day and her little one is sick. I just wish they could catch a break!!! I remember how hard it was to be away from the kiddo's in the first place. In closing I hope she knows how lucky she is to have the chance to watch this sweet boy!!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Want to keep busy??
Next, was to cover the beast.. We decided that with the new trailer we wanted to make it warm and cozy for the winter. So once again, up he went!!
Here it is all settled in for a long winters nap. Don't look too close though as someone and I shall NOT mention who, that is may and I say MAY have put the VERY SMALLEST of holes in the new cover.
She would NEVER do such a thing!!!
My mom has just 2 things left in her garden. These are her brussel sprouts. I think they are really cool looking. I think they look like palm trees. Now let's eat!!!!
On Sunday Sarah, her BFF Renee, and Rens mommy Robin hit the road to..................
Of course , for anyone who has been there, we didn't find much worth buying!!
We had a couple of dressers, a bed, TV stand, table and chair and MANY trinkets. We travels in comfort thanks to the mega cab and we were able to fit it all in the back. I will say that the outside employees must have had a long day, because they were not even remotely helpful!!!! And yes, I did park as far away as I could get!
Oh, come on you knew better!!!!
Of course there would be a picture of Lukas in this thing. I am waiting for a copy of a few that Sarah took this weekend. She went down to watch him while Jess and Amy worked and she had a ball. He will take a couple of steps between two people now.
Man, are they in trouble. This is one BUSY boy.
Well, just a little update......were you bored?? Oh, well I try. Heading down to watch my little guy and I hope I can keep up!!
Oh and lets keep this fine fall weather coming!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
OK, so maybe it was necessary to try and eat the door also!!
We made a stop at Great grandma and grandpas house to say hello!! As you can see Prince acted as a guard dog !!! Lukas was missing Schaffer.
Once again on Sunday the weather was is what we have been waiting for through all the rain and gloom that was this fall!! Lukas decided to help with some of the raking.
After he learned about the birds he decided to share all that information with aunt Sarah.
He had a lot of stories to tell about his weekend with grandma and grandpa. I can only hope they were all good stories.
Jesse had a good race and he and Amy had a great weekend. I know they missed having Lukas with them. We had a great weekend with Lukas here and he seems no worse for the wear.
He constantly amazes me with his curiosity,and good naturedness (is that a word?) We had so much fun having him here. He is so full of smiles and like I tell everyone, his whole face smiles. He was busy from the time he got up till bed time....I see why we have children before we are old!!! Or should I say older..LOL. We look so forward to watching and sharing in all this little guy's life and learnings.
Thanks to Jesse and Amy for letting us share their time with Lukas.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Lukas musings
I have found that playing with my shadow on the wall can be really fun. I especially like it against the red wall!! It's sort of like Peter Pan and his shadow........can someone sew it to my feet!!!!
I am also a great supporter of Lance Armstrong and his livestrong foundation I find his bracelets very entertaining.
Here you can see it is a lot of fun!!!
I just can't get enough of this game!!!
Well, that is pretty much it for now. I am going to head up to g-ma and g-pa's house this weekend and if we know g-ma she may take a few pictures of my visit!!!
See ya soon!!!