Thanksgiving weekend and it was so nice to have the time to enjoy family and friend
The table was set!
The turkey, and stuffing was cooked!
And everyone was fed!! We were lucky to have my folks, my sister Nancy and her hubby Mike, Sarah and our friends Tom and Ann join us for dinner. Plenty of food and fun for all!!
Lukas and Amy joined us for dessert a little later in the evening. Unfortunately Jess was home sick and missed out ( I sent leftovers don't worry!!) Lukas having a chat with great grandpa.
My nephew's Michael and Travis stopped by for a visit and Travis hung out with Lukas. It was great when Luke drooled on his would have thought the jacket was tarnished for life by the look on Trav's face!!! After that he armed himself with a Kleenex, so he could wipe as needed!!! I guess he forgets what he looked like as a little boy!!!! WOW was he a drooler!!!!!!
Here in the wooded wonderland we have had a lot of trees come down in the last couple years. In years past ( when we were younger!) we could take care of all the wood. We love a nice warm wood fire in the stove. Well, on Friday my niece and her hubby and 2 kids, (and their younger backs) came to split the wood for us.
Both Lindsey and Cody carried a lot of wood to the piles. I was surprised at how long they kept at it!!!

But sooner or later it had to end!!
You can see by the state of their clothes how hard they worked.
So they came in and kept me company for awhile. Cody started out being picky about the chex mix but that didn't last for long.
On Saturday with Jesse on the mend, he Amy and Lukas came for a visit. Amy and Lukas came earlier with Jess to follow. Before he got here the girls decided to run a couple of errands and grandpa agreed to stay home with Lukas. I KNOW!!!!!!
Anyway just before we left g-pa helped with giving Lukas some lunch. He did a really great job and Lukas ate like a champ for him. There was only a little motorboating right near the end and that is when Dave turned it back over to me.
Today Lukas turns 10 month old. It is so surprising how much joy he has brought to our lives. He constantly amazes us with all he is learning and how fast he is learning it. He is ALL OVER the place. He is a really good natured little one. He is so full of smiles. He is holding at 2 teeth, but I think there are more coming soon. Ask him where his nose is and he points to it and will point to yours also. He loves to play paddy cakes, and explores EVERYTHING!!!But, the really big news is............
YUP!!! he is walking. The biggest problem is that he is not aware of it!! He turns and just takes off. Doesn't care what might be in the way. He will be standing at the table turn and go for the couch, and that is 4 feet away. He is keeping everyone busy covering corners and protecting his noggin as he goes!!!
All in all a great Thanksgiving weekend. Hope it was like that for all of you!!!
WHEW!! that was a long one!!
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