Hello again, Lukas here. G-ma came down again and she asked me to fill you in on all that happened while she was here. My second tooth finally came in but as you can see it really has not made much difference in the drooling front.....Hey, I am doing the best I can!!!!
I have found that playing with my shadow on the wall can be really fun. I especially like it against the red wall!! It's sort of like Peter Pan and his shadow........can someone sew it to my feet!!!!
I am also very fond of my blow up beach ball....it chases me all around the room and I have many moments of fun with it!! G-ma also wanted me to mention that I can kick the ball with a little help from mom or dad. I am also climbing the steps and I love it when mom chases after me as I head up to get my pj's!!!
I have to admit that I am not always a GOOD BOY!!! Sometimes I don't stop doing things I am told that I am not supposed to do. I don't see what is so wrong with hanging on the cabinet door!!!???? Right after this g-ma made sure I listened to her!! Man she wasn't much fun!!!
Aunt Sarah gave me this last Christmas even before I was born. Now I really believe she got it so I could make plenty of noise for mom and dad. I really like it and have fun driving it around. Just imagine the fun I will have when I can walk. I am working on that...I can walk around furniture and I have noticed that while I am standing holding on to someone....they let go to see how long I can stand alone........hmmmmm they are really tricky.
I am also a great supporter of Lance Armstrong and his livestrong foundation I find his bracelets very entertaining.
Here you can see it is a lot of fun!!!
I have 3 cats to play with at my house, Kitty, Otto and Leo. They are so fun!!! Otto doesn't really like this game but the other 2 really enjoy it.
I just can't get enough of this game!!!
Well, that is pretty much it for now. I am going to head up to g-ma and g-pa's house this weekend and if we know g-ma she may take a few pictures of my visit!!!
See ya soon!!!
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