So someone has been a bit delinquent in her blogging responsibilities so I had to sign in and take over again!! I have to warn you that it may be a bit jumbled as g-ma let a lot of
interesting happenings go unreported!! I could tell you about my visit to her house on Friday but it was a little of...same ole same ole!
On Sunday the whole family gathered at Fort Custer so that dad and g-pa could get some big training miles in and the rest of us could hang at the lake. It was a beautiful day and aunt yaya took me down for a little test of the water temps.
After a little splashing around we headed back to the shade.
I am really glad she carried me and saved my tootsies from the sand!
I tried to give g-pa some training tips before he headed out for his ride. HELLO g-pa are you listening!!!
Well, you can't say I didn't try. So off they went and I got down to the important issue......snack time!!!! No I was not chowing on the chex mix...I had some cranraisins!!!
After a couple hours of riding they stopped for a break and to re-fuel. Once again I tried to offer some training tips. I was pointing out the proper trail etiquette.
WOW!!! Dad that is some really scary hair!!!!
They finished the ride and g-pa and I had a post training conversation. I offered him some of my juice but he declined!! G-pa was so tired that he wanted some help getting his shoes off. I know that is a LOT to ask of me.....but , I try to be helpful.
SERIOUSLY!!!! G-pa have those things EVER seen the light of day??!!
Afterwards everyone wanted to cool off a little so I suggested we head down to the lake for a dip!! Mommy helped me get my feet wet to start with. Then I headed out to g-pa for a little splashing!

Daddy made sure that I was safe in the water and didn't go too deep. Not like I would is only the middle of May here and the water was still a bit chilly!!!!

We left the lake and headed out for dinner at Don Pablo's in Battle Creek...aunt yaya has those pics but you can take my word for it.....It Was GOOD!! We had an awesome day and it was nice to be together!
This is where we jump back in time. Like I said g-ma hasn't been good about blogging so I have to catch you up. While at the house the owlets were checking out the world outside the nest box and g-pa took me out to see them. They really are cool.
I heard through the grape vine that the owlets left the box on Friday night. On Saturday g-ma got this picture of Hootie near the yard keeping and eye on the owlets!!
She and g-pa had been doing a lot of yard work and they were looking out for Fred or Ginger all morning. G-pa even got a warning hoot from Hootie at one point. I wasn't there but I was told that just as they finished they looked up and there was Fred.
Then later Sat. night g-ma noticed this out the kitchen window. One of the owlets had fallen out of the tree and landed near her newly planted flowers.
It waddled across the lawn and g-ma got this video of it climbing back up the tree!! And you would be seeing it hear know the drill!!! GRRR
Another bit of news.......G-pa sent some pictures and the video of Fred and Ginger having lunch to a couple of the local TV stations. It is the one that she posted on her blog the other day. Channel 17 had some of the pics on their weather report last night. And tonight G-pa came home from work and told us that channel 13 had messaged him to say they were going to run the video and wanted some more info on the owls.
Mom and I rushed home so we could see them on TV.

Now don't tell anyone but I may have hooted at the TV while the story was on!!! And maybe....just maybe I went and got all my stuffed owls to show mommy!!!
Once again I was glad to fill in for g-ma....I just wish she would make sure to keep up on this stuff so it is not so much work for me!!! See ya soon.
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