I am including this picture of the lodge just for Ann, as she has a great LOVE of clowns, especially the painted velvet kind!!
But, first you have to pay for the privilege if killing yourself on the climb!! It cost $3 a bike to go up and $10 for the truck!!! Now, you also have to understand there is a way around the fee.........and what it that you ask?? You can go up, but you can NOT STOP along the way or at the top!!! If you need to stop you must pay the $10. We NEVER saw any kind of official or official car anywhere along the way so how they would know is beyond us, but being the good doobies we are we paid up!! haha
Right from the start the view is awesome......get ready as I will probably use that word more than one here!! Awesome....see I told you!!!
And YES we are going way up there beyond the tree line!!!
We could see Denver!! Now if I was a kind and compassionate blogger I would have looked up how far away it was so that you could REALLY be impressed by my awesome camera!!
Then just as I was getting Sarah back on solid footing......
But, nothing a beer at Tommyknockers (and no Tom would not show us his)!!
And some good food and camaraderie all was well.
On to more fun and adventures here in Colorado!!
Umm...screw the middle seat in the back, I would have been on the floor...YIKES!