Where to begin on this day!?!?! For anyone who has had the PLEASURE of spending any quality time with me, you know I am always VERY even tempered and easy to get along with. Today was no exception!! After almost no sleep, it was up and ahem, bright and early!!
The Plan:
1. eat
3.get right size hitch ball ( yup Sunday 4th..shopping...because no one thought about it earlier)
4. go to mom and dads and get boat.
That is when it went to H#%% in a hand basket!!
Now I know I am not the smartest tool in the shed but, after 18 years of sitting should trailer lights still work.... or should the wheel bearings be running smoothly?!?!?!
The answers to those questions: UMMM NO!!!!
So Dave re-wired the trailer!!! Nope that didn't help, so we will use hand signals!!
That and it was at this point I realized that I left the new registration 19 miles away at the house...
"Hello Sarah how would you like to go to the house before we pick you up!!!???"
The decision to head to Sarah's in hopes that the bearings would be OK may not have been the best one!!Has anyone ever tried to find bearing grease in Middleville on Sunday the 4th of July?? It was at this point that I may.......MAY have had a moment!! In order to keep this short and sweet..... Does anyone remember the dells?? If so....nuff said!!
After a trip to Hastings and 2 stores......the grease I found was going to have to work.....the frozen bearings were just gonna have to free themselves as much as they could be and we were off.
DEEP BREATHS........and then what, a call from the kids letting us know that the lake was FULL!!!
Change of plans....Austin Lake.
Lukas and aunt Yaya finally enjoyed playing in the water!
Lukas and aunt Yaya finally enjoyed playing in the water!
He finally decided that it wasn't that bad and tried to teach Amy how to be a motorboat!! She got pretty good at it!
Lets go g-pa!!
Now, I may or may not owe a few words of apology to a few family members for what may or may not have been some less than perfect behavior and commentary!
Thank you all for a PERFECT DAY!!
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