OK, OK, I admit it I have been slacking!! It isn't that we haven't had a lot going on....we have. It's not that I haven't taken any pictures...I have!!! I could make the excuse that for some reason uploading on blog spot has been a pain lately, and keeps changing my fonts too!!! But, the truth is.....I am just lazy! :)
I will catch you up on all the goings on in a later blog (have you ever heard that before?) but, for now here is what we are up to now!
It is not always that we get this nice of weather well into October so we decided to take advantage!! One last use of the camper was in order. Can you blame us?
Side note here......this was day 2 with Lukas not wearing any diapers. He has been doing really good!! He told us he had to go every time!!!
After a nice dinner Lukas and Jesse took a walk along the shoreline!
We had a BEAUTIFUL sunset !
That just got more and more beautiful!
Red sky at night sailors delight!!!
The kiddos left and like always we had a awesome time.
We will spend a few days, and enjoy the sun and surf! Really......80 in October? and for a nice long stretch! Last night we were again treated to a spectacular sunset!
Do you see it??? There in the upper left side......starring you in the face!! Do ya??? That nasty dark spot, creeping in to ruin my picture!! I took the camera in and I guess there is a spot on the sensor.....bummer. How it got there I have no idea, and they want $200. to repair it. I am thinking I may need to just get a new camera.....wink wink!!
I know I have said it before but, really I am going to try and be better about blogging again!!!
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