Seriously, could we ask for a nicer fall this year!? It has been mostly sunny and warm. We have also been treated to a lot of color. This last week we went somewhere we have never camped before.......Gun Lake. I know right in our back yard and we have never been. We are not much for crowds when we camp so this is NOT the place we would go......but this time of year was perfect and we will definitely do it again...maybe later this week!!! hehehe
Lukas came to hang out with us on Friday..... he had lots of fun playing in the sand. Even though it was a little cooler than last weekend it was still fun to be able to play outside!
Hey, I thought it was funny and the tone in his voice was so if he is a baby, why in the world are you people letting him carry a stick!!!!
He is very concerned and kept patting the bald spot!!!
Sorry in advance guys!!
Oh, and teaching him to hang from branches!! He loved it!!
He had tons of fun throwing leaves with aunt Yaya!!!
Playing peek-a-boo!!
Dranpa found Lukas a treasure....a fishing bobber!!
Aunt Yaya and Lukas making smushie faces through the window....and ummm still have a lot of prints to get off that window!! :) He kept licking the window in the process too!!
I think he was trying to figure out how to lift it up and carry it!!
What your not supposed to eat leaves???

Here he is walking with Great grandma, mommy, and puppy!
There is a gentleman that has a couple of antique cars, trailer and boat that was camping here this weekend. Lukas was pretty impressed with the face on the front of the car so he introduced it to Puppy!
I have no pictures to share of the next story. I have decided that when it comes to the whole potty training thing I would not post those I said before it isn't that I don't have any :) just not going to put them on here. So the story with no pics attached!!
He also wanted to put leaves on all the parking posts!!
Aunt Yaya and Lukas take in some lakeviews!!
Jesse has a birthday coming up and really wanted a new wetsuit for before the season was over we got one for him....quite the model!!! YIKES!!!
Down the beach there was a really BIG stick that Lukas really wanted....he kept pointing at it and saying "big stick faraway........get it." Unfortunately, it was the large antenna that was over a mile away!! And fortunately there was a log on the beach that was also far away, but much closer that he was satisfied with!! :)
Saturday was another beautiful fall day and we all went for a little walk...including....Puppy. Right now other than Thomas the train,( and all his friends which he can name ALL of...seriously ALL) Puppy is the favorite toy of the moment. He had to get his leech so he could walk him. He also has to show him everything along the way....trees, pumpkins, stones!!! He never puts him down just carries him and holds him up to everything!! :)
He is doing spectacularly..he wears his big boy unders almost exclusively now except at night, and even then he wakes up dry most mornings. He will tell you when he needs to go. I will admit that it is a little nerve racking when you are far away from a potty......and hmmmmm maybe he has been taught to go (only if necessary) somewhere else..:)
So we went out for dinner at Sam's on Saturday night and he is sitting playing and says....Potty (quietly of course!:) so off he and Amy go. He is coming back and saying potty...potty all the way, people were smiling at him as he goes! He is very proud you know! So, he sits back down and the waitress thinking she will compliment him says so you went potty!?! He says back to a not so quiet voice...."Ya BIG ONE!!!" As you might guess there were a few chuckles from ours and other tables around!!
With that I will close for now and say we had a AWESOME time with family again this weekend, and can't wait to do it again!!
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