So It has been a really long time since I took over g-mas blog, and what better time than to tell you about my Halloween!!!
So any ideas what it is that I am going to be for trick or treating??? Come on put your thinking caps on?? Just a second I will put on my costume for you!!!!
There we go..........got it now??!!??
I am a Lemur!!
As you know I loved the lemurs at the zoo this summer so mommy and daddy looked and they found this cute outfit for me!!
This was going to be one really busy weekend!! Started out on Friday when I got to go to g-mas and g-pa house. G-ma helped me put on my costume and we headed over to Steelcase for lunch with g-pa!!
I love playing in the big water pond they have there....g-pa made sure I didn't get my outfit too wet!! I really want to ride on the big pendulum they have there!!!
See, I was trying to show some other boy in a fish suit the cool water....and I had to show puppy too. He was really interested!!

Silly g-pa put me in this chair and he kept spinning me round and round!! He had better be careful next time he does this because he waited till after lunch.....I maintained though!

I really didn't want to leave so g-pa had to carry me out....I was just having way too much fun walking around, riding in the elevators and meeting some of his co-workers.
After a brief stop at the house for a little nap to rejuvenate myself it was off to aunt Yaya and daddy's work, for more fun!
It took me a little longer to head in because there were these really cool stones all along the way! For some reason they were stuck in the ground and I couldn't get them to come up!!

Aunt Yaya met us at the door and I was sooooooooooo glad to see her. She is so much fun!!
She took me all around her department and introduced me to all kinds of really nice people, but I have to say I was most impressed with this man!!Come on now......you would be impressed too if you had seen all these pez toys!! I really wanted his Thomas the train one but, he only gave me the candy that goes in it......hmmmmm and I put on my best cute face and asked nicely...."have it" and still he put it back on the display!!!
I'm thinking someone may get me one for Christmas!!! hehe
Then it was off to Daddy's office. I was so excited to see him I went running to him!
And, when he lifted me up I was able to see how his whole building had prepared for all the trick or treaters!!!!
I KNOW....... Impressive isn't it.G-ma said it was awesome how everyone put this together for us, and I must agree!!

It brought a smile to my face!!
In one of the cubicles there was this witch.....I am sure she was a very nice lady, I just mean she was dressed as a witch,:).....anyways she had candy and maybe that was interesting to the other kids, but!! I spotted something way cooler than candy......yup, she had a broom!!! And like that guy across the street she wouldn't let me take it home either. She said something about needing it to fly home???
Come On, what does she think I am?????????
Fine, I will get a much better ride!!! Ha ha my mommy was more than happy to give me a lift!!

And before we headed back to g-ma and g-pas house we posed for a family portrait. See how hard my daddy works....even while we were taking pics he was on the phone.
I may have been running a little and I may have tripped and got a little rug burn on my nose!!! But, in order to make me smile someone may have been willing to put a lemur hat on !
And , if you keep that person distracted she may have forgotten it was on and got almost all the way to her car before she remembered it!! Oh, dranma!!!
I may have chewed on a few of the smarties...and maybe a few other things too. What you don't try things right away....mommy said you have to take the wrappers off first, who knew!?!?
I had a really good time ....we went to chinese for dinner and then home for the night. On Saturday aunt Yaya came down to hang out and after mommy got out of work we headed over to the nature center for another outing! I got to wear my cool costume again. I also made sure to take puppy along so he could see all the cool stuff.

Oh, and of course tags came along too. I do have to say it was a little cool out and this thing is really cozy!
We had a lot of fun, I got to see owls, and there were a lot of people dressed up in costumes in the woods telling stories. But, one of the BEST things they had .......donuts!!!
I went with the 2 fisted approach on these...they were YUMMY!!
All in all I think I like this Halloween thing. I really didn't appreciate it last year..I can hardly wait till next year. I did have one more night to wear this outfit around my neighborhood on the actual night!!So I will leave you with one last picture of me playing dress up at my house!!
My mommy took the lenses out of a old pair of glasses and I like to play with them!!

I know ADORABLE aren't I??!!! :) :)
Hey, what are you doing on my computer buddy!!??...... Ok, never mind I read your post and you did a great job!! Thanks for filling everyone in on the latest goings on!!
To end this I just have to say he was beyond cute as a lemur and getting to share in all his adventures was my pleasure!!
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