Once again there is much to catch up on...I know this would be easier if I just did it more often. But, this time I really do have a valid excuse!!!
First, it got cold enough for this to happen!!
Yup!!! Our first snow......and actually that was about all we got..then the weather turned around and for most of the week it was sunny and into the 60's. Can't complain when it is already November!!
Next up the excuse for not blogging before now. Little back story here! We were required by Dave's work, in order to maintain our insurance, to undergo health assessments...good thing it turns out! First thing in the lady tells me my bp is high???? Never Ever have I had a issue with that. How high...try, 176/110...WHAT? Freaked me right out. It did go down but still wasn't feeling the best. I will admit I have had a few moments where I had not felt well recently but, when ya hit 55 you write it off to other issues!! So I made a doc appointment and at that time bp was not bad 134/96, but he informed me I was having irregular heartbeats and rushed in a EKG, it showed nothing, Everything normal!!! Sent me home with bp meds, and I had hoped that would be it!!
Sunday I ended up in the ER. I had really been feeling awful and both Dave and Sarah could feel my pulse and also the missed beats. After 2 hours on the machines....NOTHING...bloodwork and x-rays came back fine and by the time I left bp was 126/69!! What the?? Oh and my arms looked like I was a drug addict, after all the blood draws and them blowing 2 veins trying to get in the iv?!?!
Tomorrow I go in for a Holter monitor to see what they can see...Wish me luck!
Early in the week we were treated to a beautiful sunset, at least what we can see of it!!

Trust me when I tell you the best thing that could happen to me all week was when Jesse and Amy came up and brought Lukas. Only thing better would have been if Sarah could have joined us, she was in Ohio for business. Look who got a big boy haircut!! He looks too old now!! :( But still way too cute!
Dranpa and Lukas doing lawnmower repairs with his new tools!!
And, when it gets late and you still want to work!!
Since he had completed all the repairs the night before the lawnmower was ready for work....but he had his tools just in case!!
He also worked on repairing the suet feeder, and watched the birds at the feeder. Short story here.....We were out in the woods when we heard a loud cackling....he stopped, looked at me and said "woodpecker" seriously it was a Pileated Woodpecker in the distance.... How the heck does he remember this stuff!!!
I also love if you ask him to spell his name....he says..L ask what is next..U..K..A..S and then at the top of his lungs he yells LUKAS!!
In the afternoon aunt Sarah came back from her trip and right away she was off playing with her little buddy. They were having fun in the sun!
Pretty sure she is SMITTEN!!
He had lots of fun pounding on all kinds of things in the woods....what, they all needed repairs!! :) :)
He is very thoughtful that way!!
The neighbors were having some asphalt work done so we were hanging out at the end of the drive watching the "the BIG TRUCKS" when dranpa came home from work. Lukas wanted to hop in with him!
SHHhhhh......Don't tell his mommy and daddy but dranpa let him drive without a license!!!
Lukas had been waiting ALL day to play with dranpa's drill so as soon as they got to the garage out it came!!
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