Just so you all know we still keep a close watch on the owl box!! We still hope that they will soon make their return! On a side note I was all excited and bought the DVD Legend of the Guardians, I was soooooooooooo very disappointed. A movie with owls, and one that Lukas would like, ummmmm NO...it sure is not a kids movie in my opinion!!
Well back to the nest box....something better leave soon!!
Dave is having wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much fun on his new toy. I wonder why in the heck we waited so long to do this!!! What a huge difference in keeping up with the snow! Best part.....Dave does it and I don't have to!!! :)
We woke on Sunday morning to temps hovering around 5 degrees! We were headed down to V-burg for a busy day and to participate in pancake Sunday. What is pancake Sunday you ask?? A family tradition where chef Jesse prepares breakfast of pancakes!! They were yummy and I was very impressed!! The temp there was below 0 and on the way down we were treated to a really beautiful but rare sunrise. A beautiful shaft of light!!
Once the sign is up....the sound of the slots can not be far behind!!
Howdy!!! It's me Lukas!!
For Christmas gpa made me a REALLY AWESOME new train table for my new big boy room!! On Sunday he, gma and aunt Yaya came down to do the install. "OH, Look here it comes!!!"
I am SOOOOOOOO Excited!!!!!
Oh my goodness, Oh my goodness here it is!!!!!
Mommy and daddy helped me to decide where we should put it. How do you like my new room? Pretty cool isn't it??

OH, MOMMY......it is going to be
sooooooo cooooooolll!!!
Please hold it right there daddy...I have measurements to take!!
That looks good right there!
I got this hat at the train show that gma told you about in the last blog. No way I was going to wear that thing!!! But, guess who would??
I had to take a little time to show gpa how to use the drill safely!
Ummm....careful there guys....make sure you're hitting a stud!!
As you can see mommy and aunt Ya were not as into it as I was.Come on now, let's see some excitement girls!!
OK, so you caught me.....so maybe it took some time to get it all set up, and maybe, just maybe I decided to take a little time out to play with the trains!! You can't blame a little kid like me!!
And before long it was almost ready for me to play with it!!I am sooooooooooo excited!
Just so everyone knew who's trains they were, mommy helped me put my name on it! Here, let me show you how it works....first you put a train on the track and then you take this lever and turn it ALL the way one way or another, and man do those things fly!!
Ummmm...gpa you need a hat!!! :)
Daddy and I are going to have MANY hours of fun with this.
Haahaaa ....who is going to have the most fun??
I may have to limit his access to my room!!!:) :)
As you can see all the excitement was lost on someone!!!UP and at'em Ya!!
I guess after you have had a little nap and a little caffeine you will wear anything!! As much as you would like I will have to insist that you leave that here for me!!!
Thanks so much gpa it is going to be years and years of fun for me!
Thanks, Lukas for telling us all about your train set and new big boy room!He waited until all was set up and then he spent his first night in his big boy bed. I have been informed that he did GREAT, and is sleeping in it all the time now!!! He is growing up way too fast!!!
It was one again my pleasure to have him up to spend the day yesterday, and he had fun with his workbench....cutting pine cones!!

He still will not try the new clear goggles on!!

After awhile he decided that he wanted to watch Thomas.....
Hmmm which one??
What does it mean when he can do this himself??Either he is just way too smart or watches way too much Thomas!!
I am going with WAY too smart!! :)
Once again a really great time with family.
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