Once again I am aware, and yes it has been brought to my attention, that I needed to get going on this blog thing...what the heck is wrong with me?!?!?
OK, so today will once again be a catch up day!!
It was 5.3degrees when we woke up Saturday morn!! We also had about a inch and a half of snow!!!! What does that mean????
First it means you bundle up!!
So that gpa can play on his toy!!! That much snow means it must be plow time. From the time Dave had started hooking the plow to the ATV Lukas has kept his distance. He would point, but not get near it! He said it was scary! Well, this morning he was excited to go for a ride with daddy and gpa!

Standing up so he can see!!

Now he wanted his turn to drive. He was so well behaved, even though the buttons on the handles were very intriguing!!

Riding alone with gpa!!

When all the plowing was complete he got out his new big shovel and cleaned the rest of the snow!! It was really cute because he would push the snow into a pile and and then say to gpa or daddy ...
dar ya go, move it!!!

The boys spent the night with us and after all the work outside it was time for the real reason they were here!! Unfortunately someone was really exhausted from all the outdoor time!!
Even after we took his coat off he was OUT!! It should be noted that he usually does NOT sleep though being taken out of his car seat let alone having the coat taken off!! So where were we?!?! At a train show!!! DUH!! We were really surprised at how many things and people were in this small gym!!
Once daddy got tired of carrying his boy around (hmm...wonder who suggested we take the stroller??? :) ),gpa was going to carry him for a bit. During the transfer he opened his eyes and took in a little of the sights, put his head down and then I think he realized......TRAINS and immediately woke up!!!
Very soon after he woke up we heard his name being called over the intercom because he won a door prize!! He got to pick out a car for his train set!!
But the very best part was getting to watch the trains!!!
He watched with his best buddy.....gpa!!
Then he got to watch some more with gma!!
And after watching them again and again, and then shopping around all the booths, picking out a new engine for his new train set, it was time to stop and peruse his new Thomas catalog!!
He was soooooo GOOD!!! As you can see things were easily accessible to little hands but, he was so well behaved! He looked with his eyes and when he wanted to touch he used the one finger rule! I was very surprised at how well he did with so many distractions!!

Now to back track a little!! The day before all this I got to spend the day with Lukas!! Surprise, surprise.....I was thrilled!
For Christmas he got a tool bench and these AWFUL goggles came with it....can you even see through them!?!
But in true kid fashion he doesn't seem to mind, although he does sort of cock his head in order to see!!
Love how he puts them on over his ears!! On if you are a friend on facebook you already got to see a cute video of him taking them off!!!But no matter how I keep trying I have not been able to get it to load here on blogspot. It says it is loaded and processed but will NOT show up!!! GRRRRRrrr!!
Gpa bought him a new pair that had clear lenses.....he wanted nothing to do with them!!!
On another front....can you tell what we did?!?
We have been talking about something new in the living room for awhile now and bit the bullet!!!
Dave doing all the installs. I will say that when you get older a bigger screen and surround sound really helps!!
Can you guess what this is?????
My WONDERFUL hubby was working on the railing in the stairway and there was this glare coming up from the stairwell..... hehehehe, whenever he sees a picture of himself he will comment on the fact the he wonders who that is!!! He is VERY good natured about it but, hey who ever sees the top of there own head!!
Love you honey!
OK, one down and a couple more to go....I do have to make a quick shout out to my niece
SANDRA and her hubby DAN on the arrival of my new great nephew...
Logan Daniel Kipen
born 1/6/11 at 7lbs.13oz. 21 inches.
And if I knew how I would put his pic up for you to see, watch for it on the next one, I will ask the experts how to transfer it from my email.....he is a DOLL!!!
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