Hello.... My name is Mary and I am an IDIOT!!!
On Thursday evening my dear daughter invited me to join she and some of her high school friends to attend a concert. The concert was to take place at Caledonia High school....OH the memories,
NO wait it was the new high school!!!
Quite the auditorium!!
I know I know....get to the point already!!!Soooo....we met up at the local Wendy's for a little pre-concert dinner. Sarah's friends...Jason, Erin, and Renee, along with her mommy and kiddo's were there. And, me being me I brought along my camera to document the occasion!!
I took some lovely pictures of Kelsey in her beautiful gown, and princess shoes!!
Some of Colin in his pirate shirt he was sooooo proud of!........
......and some of friends chatting!
Then it was off to the school......I mentioned that I didn't remember so many people enjoying the concerts these lovely band and orchestra geeks used to preform in!!!Jason informed me that they were this large, but that some people seemed to get lost on their way there!!
He may also have mentioned he was there under false pretenses!! He was not so keen on sitting through concerts of 4thand 5th graders with violins!!! :)
Why were we there you ask??????
We were there to see a fellow classmate, Aaron Priskorn, perform with the current orchestra. He has always been VERY talented and he was back in town from his home in California
!And he was AWESOME!!
Where are the pictures of the new auditorium, my tax dollars built.....where oh where are they!?!?!
Here is where the IDIOT part comes in!
Here is where the IDIOT part comes in!
While the concert was in progress I wanted to be courteous to the people around me and not make clicking sounds, so I TRIED to change the settings in the dark......
And when I see a line show up with the words FORMATTING.....and then NO IMAGE!! I tried NOT to panic!!
Yup, my ENTIRE 8 gb card had reformatted!!!
I was brave....I did not cry!!
Because , Luckily I had, just the day before had Jesse download all those photos and videos, of some precious little man, onto my external hard drive!!!!
My apologies to Kelsey and Colin who would have been the feature of this blog....if scary Mary was not such an IDIOT!!!
Since neither of them can read, it will be our little secret! I had a great time, as usual!