I told you I would be back to tell you about my big adventure!! It all started out a little precariously!! Woke up to a little snowstorm. Gma, gpa and aunt Yaya braved the slick roads and met up at my house. Daddy was checking out the scanner, and this is one of the reported accidents we heard about! Not to be deterred we hit the road!!
How cool is this!! On the way down we came across this gas station......Awesome name if I say so myself!! :)
I will not tell you what gma said when she rounded the corner!!!
On the other hand.....she did make the comment that it was worth it for me!!
How do you like my gloves?? Guess what we left in the car, thinking we were going to be inside right away!!! Gma was nice enough to give up hers so I could stroll around a bit!!
Or NOT!!
We made it inside and I got to see what everyone had been talking about for a few weeks now!
The DOLPHINS...I was so excited. Aunt Yaya has a really cute(if I do say so myself) video of when I first saw them.....but it is a little too long to post on here.....unless gma wants to wait for a few days for it to load!!!
Sorry, I guess gma needed to vent!!! I still enjoyed it!
Gma says she is so proud of what a good daddy he has turned out to be....I have to say I am NOT surprised...he is AWESOME!!!
I love going there! It looks like you all had a blast. Seriously the line was out of control though!