Lukas here.....just thought I would catch you up on the goings on!!!
Daddy started training for a new position at his job this week so I had to get up REALLY early to get to gmas house! Pluto was ready for breakfast when we got there so I let him have breakfast first!!
Last week when I came up for a visit we saw a couple of deer near the creek and I wanted to show Minnie where they were!! Sadly they were not out there today! :(
It is possible that it made a little bit of a mess!!
Being as safety conscious as I am, I had to make sure that the lint was removed from the screen so I wouldn't have to worry about a fire!!
It does require a great deal of skill and balance so, only remove your sock this way if you are as flexible and talented as I am!!
......Yummo(in the words of Rachael Ray) raspberries!!!
From now on I think, I will always eat them this way! It was pretty cool!!!
I was a little concerned about the size of those piles of snow that were left so I decided to put some back on the driveway for gpa!!
Gma and I were outside for the rest of the afternoon and we walked all around...gpa put some corn out for the deer in hopes that I may see them again....I really don't see what all the hoopla about this corn is to them...I thought it was YUCKY!! (not to worry gma really didn't let me eat any!)
We went behind the house and watched the water running in the creek...and I got to throw in some small stones and acorns. I learned that somethings float and some SINK! Carrying on those lessons learned in the house!
It didn't take long and all my acorns were gone so we went for a little scavenger hunt to find some more!
It was a REALLY beautiful day outside, gma said it was something called spring.....if that is what it is called I am all for spring. Because it was way more fun to be outside today than on those really cold days we have had lately.
Some of the snow piles are almost gone and man are they dirty, but of you dig down there is still some good white stuff to eat!!
I thought for sure there would be some on this little branch....ummmm NO!
Yup..I do still like to carry around sticks!!
The sun melted all the snow on the slide....I was glad....although I think mommy may have to wash these pants extra good this time!!
Time to head up to the house!!
More water....that must be the theme of the day!!!
And off I went!
Well back to the rocks...gma said they were a little less stressful on her!! :)
That one made a really big splash!
.......and then something about deer poop!!!!
LOL, how was I supposed to know, it's the first time I had ever seen it!!
And please don't worry I dropped it quick and gma washed my hands!!
That one made a really big splash!
This deck is really in need of a good scrubbing, but I really didn't have time for that.....and it is still a little chilly so I just gave it a little sprinkle to get the surface dirt off!!
All in all it was a fun day.....I really like all the outdoor time. In fact I went home and really slept good this night!
I had soooooo many stories to tell him, especially about the POOP.....what can I say I find it facinating!!
Anyways, gpa told me that he had found some antlers in the woods and asked me if I would like to see them....HECK YA!!!
He was showing me how the deer sharpen them on the cool!!
He was showing me how the deer sharpen them on the cool!!
FYI....if you run into me sometime soon I just may tell you ALL about the deer POOP!!!
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