In the word of the Bee Gee's I'm stayin alive, stayin alive ahh, ahh , ahh, ahhh.....Well, you get it!
I haven't been too good at keeping this blog up to date but, for anyone who writes a blogs, you know it is a lot of work!! I find that I will be taking pictures and in my head I am planning out the blog. Then something new happens and I grab the camera, plan out another blog in my head.......then they sit on the disc...
So once again I will try and catch you up!
Last week Lukas was back at gmas.....and we played with some window gels shaped like owls.....surprise surprise!!
Last week Lukas was back at gmas.....and we played with some window gels shaped like owls.....surprise surprise!!
Man do I LOVE this face......and he would like to tell everyone that he found out this week that he is going to be a big brother to a new little sister!!
When asked last week he said..."don't want a brother or sister, just want a puppy!!"
Gpa's garage is getting a little crowded, what with bikes, and boats, but he always makes room for Lukas to hang out with him!
This time he wanted to gpa got him some nails and a piece of wood.
And yes he did use it to move some snow!!
Again....just because I LOVE this face!!
He found a Minnie Mouse pencil that was a part of aunt Yaya's collection and Minnie has a ice cream cone.....he enjoyed a afternoon treat!! :
)So we got to play and I got my floors cleaned all at the same time!!
I was a little discouraged because we would always see more of them this time of year!
Well, when Dave got home today he said he saw the owl in the tree!
I just may have knocked him down on the way out!!
One flew away as soon as I walked near them but she sat there looking at me!!
Like old times!
I was getting dinner and looked out the kitchen window and saw this.....Whoo Hooo!!!
As for any of the other planned blogs I have.....yes they are still on the disc, maybe another day!! :) :)
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