So, the title really isn't true....they are not free if you go see them at the Meijer's garden. Last week Fri. Lukas and I met up with some family members to see the butterfly exhibit.......and since it was spring break there just MAY have been a few others there too!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is the troop.....minus Janet(who got out of being in the pic, by taking pics!) Jay, and myself.
Let me tell you....these are some organized girls.. you can tell they are used to going places in a group!! :)
While I was standing and listening Hunter came over and took Lukas's hand and told me "I have him, let's go!!" I guess Ggma needed a partner too!! :)
Anyone who REALLY knows me would understand how hard it was for me to even take this picture......of this oversized, horribly UGLY and DISCUSTING eeeekkk MOTH!!
Lukas had grey puppy with him today, and he got to see and spell all the pretty flowers!
While we waited out turn to get into the butterflies exhibit Lukas had a conversation with ggma!!
Once in the doors we saw butterflied right away!
All he wanted to do was touch them and make them fly away!
Ahhh..... a women after my own heart......Lindsey taking pictures of the hatching butterflies while Hunter looks on!!
Sami and her mommy spotting somemore butterflies! More family on the background!
You can just see Luks head this may be where he was pointing out the DEAD one.....he was quite takin with" the dead one he saw on the ground!! " He wanted to make sure EVERYONE saw it!!
A little snack break after all the excitment!!
Remember earlier I said these girls were organized!!??? Sandra made little books for all the kids, based on their ages, and crayons and pencils for them to write about the experience. Victoria and Lukas were discussing the Tigers game that day!! :)
Sandra talking with Hunter while the other kids color!
Everybody was having fun!
Afterwards it was time for a little sack lunch. We headed out to one of the gazebos, and baby it was cold outside. I would like to know why when these darn local weather guru's say it is going to warm up......they can never seem to get it right!?!? :) Don't get me started on Bill and Teri!!!
Lukas took to miss Lindsey right away!! He wanted to stand by her, have her play with him, open his yogurt, take her to see big name it he wanted her to spend time with him. A little jump ahead, yesterday he wanted to call her and see was too cute, but more on that in the next couple of posts. Yes, I know I do have a couple more to catch up on!!:)
You can just see Luks head this may be where he was pointing out the DEAD one.....he was quite takin with" the dead one he saw on the ground!! " He wanted to make sure EVERYONE saw it!!
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