Every year we get together at my mom and dad's with the entire family to do some spring yard clean up. Not only does it give us a chance to spend time together, but to get some things done outside, and also some special projects they may want done!!! This year mom got some working gloves for all the youngsters!! Rhonda made some cute iron-on's to complete the look!
Let the work begin...see Nancy HOLDING the rake!!! I guess the tractor needed a little tweaking and then we were ready to haul some leaves and twigs!!
Even the youngest have to pitch in!! This is the newest addition to the clan, Logan, who belongs to Dan and Sandra!
Since I had the HARDEST job, I was in need of hearing protection!! Again there is Nancy and THE rake!!
Sami and Victoria....picking up the twigs...and notice my legs in the background working away with the leaf blower!!!
I think Cody was removing sticks from his flip flops!! That or taking a little rest in the sun!
Rhonda and Matt pitch in with the little ones!!
I swear every time you turned around Victoria was working!! She was sooo darn cute!
Cody, Hunter, and Victoria never stopped...such good helpers!
Lukas helping daddy!!
Yup, I am being BRAVE and posting a picture of Janet.....she LOVES having her pic taken!! :)
OK, so I took a much needed rest to chat with 2 of my favorite guys!!
I did turn over my job for a few minutes to those 2 guys.....but it didn't last long!
Sarah and Victoria having a important conversation!
Gpa and Lukas
UMMMmmm.... they tried to use the excuse that they heard someone say it was lunchtime!!!
Ggma saved some interesting ice that had formed in bowls over the winter.....the kids loved it, until some of them started to lick the ice......it had come from the chicken coops!!! LOL
Nancy, Mike, Travis, and Micheal......see Mike is dry, thank you very much!!
Yup....Nancy waking up from a snooze, once all the work was DONE.....and maybe just maybe her shoelaces may have gotten tied together!! ;)
Brenda, Mike, Lindsey, and Cody!
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