It has been REALLY HOT here all of a HOT!!! The humidity has been really high too and so what happens when I go over to Gma's house for the day.....she puts me to work!!!! We were out trimming some bush in the front yard!
It's a good think I had some "tweezers" in my tool box to help out!! Gma would" pawapt" it and then I would carry them away!
Gma note....he said that was the noise the clippers made when I would cut them!!! hehe
I was a little nervous that I might just be in some trouble!!
I MOST certainly did NOT do that on purpose....:)
I never did catch him....but it was not for lack of trying!!
Time for a little lunch off with the wet shoes!
Later Gpa came home and I was once again put to work cleaning off the deck...we were blowing off all the junk that fell out of the trees...I swear today it looked like it was snowing!!
What am I looking at you ask?!?!
Gpa was being naughty and using the leaf blower for no good!!!

What was the result of his was my shoes, gmas flip flops and the place mats all on the ground!
Gma made Gpa and I go down and pick them up all by ourselves with NO help from her!!!
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