Hang on, I am determined to get caught up and the best way to do it is to make this one of the longest posts in the history of blogging.....just kidding it isn't quite that bad!! While we were camping we wanted to tale Lukas to Sam's joint to show him all the dead animals..:) and other things on the wall! Well, there was a Porsche club and a wedding there....so guess what we did?!?!? WAITED AND WAITED!!!
The best part is that these faces come with NO sound!!!
He did finish his meal with a fork, and let me just say....this boy LOVES coleslaw!!!!
This past week Gpa told Lukas that he had a project for them to work on!
They both got their tools ready !
One thing I thought was really cute......(I know?? What don't I think is cute when it comes to him!!!) Gpa gave him his hammer, but Lukas wanted to use his own plastic one, because Gpa's didn't have CLAWS!!
They are both really hard workers!!
Lukas also decided that a drill was necessary to complete the task!!
He was VERY PROUD!!!
He helped Gpa hang it up.......
......turn the poll out over the yard.....
....and play for awhile with the squirrel spring.....
They watched for the birds to arrive!!
It was all very intense...while they waited. It wasn't till later in the day that a bird finally found the feeder!
Since they had dropped a few seeds in the process Lukas thought they should blow off the deck!!
He made sure he had his hearing protection!!
After all the hard work it was time for a little PLAY! Not sure if we have a little Tiger in the making or not!!
He also had a lot of fun throwing balls into a bucket!!
A new birdfeeder of course!!!
Then it was off to the deck to fill it up!
The best part was once he got the ball into the bucket, instead of just taking the ball out, he would pick up the whole bucket and throw it over his head!!! Hey the ball would come flying out so I guess whatever works!!! :)
He and Gpa found a dragonfly....he warmed up to it after a few minutes!
A few days later and aunt Ya came over to hang out! These are his safety goggles, that came with his tool kit. They are sooooooooooo cloudy I can't imagine how he can see out of them, so she took out the lenses!! As you can see he was VERY concerned!! I love how they have the same scowls on their faces!!
It didn't stop him from checking it out!!!
Then he took her outside to show her the feeder he made!!
I wonder if he takes after anyone?!?!?! LOL :)
I think it is possible that I am caught up for the most part..... !!!
WHEW are you exhausted???
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