Surprise...I am here and blogging again. We went on vacation to Boyne City, and Lake Charlevoix. This should come as no surprise to you but I took a few pictures. I think the easiest way to catch you up and not drive myself NUTS sorting through them all I will just take each disk and break them down!!
Dave and I went up first and set up camp. There were a few challenges in the process, but all in all it went well! After the home was established it was time to head to the beach and put the boat together!! Dave has worked soooooooooooo hard over the last few months to get it repaired and painted and here it was finally ready for it's true maiden voyage!!
We found a spot on the beach and started putting it together!!
Way to go dad!!!
T-Rex found a spot on the beach to rest.....and let me tell you that was no small feat!!! Every time the boat left the beach they moved the swim buoys and we had to move the boat....this went on for 2 days. Finally we moved about 1/4 miles down the beach and all was well. I was very disappointed in this as I had called the campground back in January to make sure there was a place to keep the boats....I was informed when I went to complain, that he never saw cats before and didn't know what I was asking....DUH!!!! Then ASK?!?!?
Mom and dad were great company and other than a little incident with the neighbors who were chopping wood and purposely shooting the wood chips at the which WARDZILLA made a brief appearance....all was well!!
Lukas got a card with a picture of a German Shepard police dog on it and could not have been more excited. Here he is showing his cousin Rachael!
They were very intent on watching all the action!
The excitement level reached it's MAX when a whole line of TRACTORS went by. Lukas does love him some tractors!!! :)
Lukas, Rach, mommy, Noni, and Papa watching the parade go by!
Cousin Madison waving as the tractors go by! As you can see we are not to far away from welcoming another little one into the family!!!
Still smiling even though it was HOT!!!
A piece of the Twin Towers from NYC....
Back to the campground and yes we had good neighbors that moved in!! They had about 4 sites and a lot of family!! One of the evening activities was a pinata and they invited Lukas to participate.
After they left and headed off to a few days in Traverse City, Jesse, Amy and Lukas arrived.
The boys stayed back to sail and move the boats :), refer to previous paragraph! Amy, Lukas and I were off to TC ourselves to watch Amy's niece participate in the Cherry Festival Parade!
Still smiling even though it was HOT!!!
First he watched how it was done!
Grandpa was more than happy to help Lukas take a swing!
Mommy and daddy watching the action. It was one tough cookie to crack!!! Finally, the candy was freed and there were some happy campers...get it....happy campers....heheheh!!
Sorry, buddy but I couldn't resist!! A little buddy butt crack!!!
Back at the camper and who knows what these boys were cooking up back there.....
Next up on the agenda was a little bike riding...Gma wanted to make sure he was safe and she may have gone a little overboard with the protection!! Gpa got him all suited up and he was ready to ride!
More sailing and time on the beach were next in line!
Getting ready to go sailing is a little harder these days!!
Amy sure is a trooper.
And they were off....
Gpa gave chase...
Aunt Ya and Lukas having fun on the beach!
He does love his aunt Ya......and she loves him too!!!!
Even when he is pushing her in the water!
Or licking her face......where could that come from???? :)

Then it was time for the boys to head out and play....a little friendly racing!!
Lukas keeping watch!
Jesse and his toy!
Sarah and Dave spent some time sailing together. She even got to try out the trapeeze farness!!!! She Loved it!!
And although I didn't get a picture he was able to finally try out his trapeze farness too!!!
Dad and son head out for some fun!
Lukas chatting with little sissy!
The weather was perfect for sailing and the guys took full advantage!

One evening before bed someone decided to hang out on somebodies shoe! The next morning he and gpa went outside to start the day and gpa found this toad IN his shoe!! Brought a big smile to someones face!!!
Gpa surprised Lukas with a fishing pole and after they got all the parts put together they headed for the dock. Makes you want to whistle the theme song from the Andy Griffith show doesn't it!!!???
(Just yesterday Amy mentioned that he is all over the place on his bike now, and hard to keep up with now!! :)..)
Getting ready to go sailing is a little harder these days!!
Amy sure is a trooper.
Heading in!
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