Well, are you ready for camera #2??
Ready or not here it comes!!
Wind had picked up and Dave was more than excited to give the trapeze harness a try!
A little lunch break and a rest in the shade!
Yes, Elvis was here!!!!!!!!
He sounded just like you would expect a man who has been dead for a long time.....:) :) and even so some of the women in the audience ran up for hugs kissing and swooning....GO FIGURE!!?!?!?!????
One of the floats from the parade!!
I could picture some kids asking mom and dad what it was all about!! :):)
We watched the fireworks from the beach in the campground and it was a lovely evening!
Next day and there was more sailing on the agenda. Mom and dad sat and enjoyed the weather and water from the beach and Dave and I headed out!
I have to admit that laying on the trampoline and gazing up at the sail in absolutely perfect weather was very relaxing, and also brought back some fond memories!!
Loading up for the ride over.
The view out the window during the crossing.......good thing the water was calm for the long (all of about 5 min.:) ) Seriously we waited longer than the ride took!
Mom and dad strolling near the yacht club!
Watching my next boat make it's way from the big lake into town!
I wasn't aware we owned a boat business ......Again!!!
The next day we said our goodbyes to Dave's parents and headed out for an adventure. We wanted to sail from Boyne City to Charlevoix. We packed a lunch and headed out. It was perfect........and then it got windy and cold and wet.....
......then it got beautiful again.....
And then it got a little windy and chilly again!!! I decided to take the helm and show Dave how it's done!!! Yea....right!!
If you remember I told you about the issues with the park and a spot for the boats.....??? Well, we moved it the day before down the beach to this spot...I took pics as to prove that we were not in the swim area. Jesse and family came and we cleared the "beach" of rocks and stones and put in the beach anchors.....Then the guys went out for a sail, when they came back in, they had moved this sign to the other side of Dave's boat...we ended up moving both boats 1/4 mile down the beach. We still had some issues with people who, for some reason thought it was OK to climb on them, lay things against them and move things around!! At one point when someone was moving the beach dollies and using them to lean chairs and coolers against Sarah said something to them and she was asked "so now you can claim sections of the beach as yours!!!! ????" If I had been there I might have asked "I don't know when you put your chairs, blankets, and coolers down are you claiming the beach??" and would it be OK if I sat in them and opened your cooler and are or drank from it??? Sometimes people amaze me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rant over...thanks for listening!! :)
Gpa and Lukas were working on tractors one morning!
Jesse and Amy taking a little hand in hand walk to check on the boats....<3
Amy and Lukas enjoying some beach time!
Wore them both out!!!:)
Lukas kept Dave hoppin when they played in the park!!
He wanted brown puppy to FLY!!!!!!!!! Catch him gpa!!!!!
OH NO!!!!!! Puppy down!!
We headed to the Argon Supper Club for dinner. It had some KILLER coleslaw and Lukas sure does he LOVE him some coleslaw!!! :)
After dinner we headed back into town and to the shoreline to watch the sunset. Lukas was more than happy to get a little ride from daddy!
We kept telling him to look at the camera....but without sunglasses it wasn't going to happen!!!! :)
It was right about now that Dave started bogarting the boy. It didn't matter where they went the minute we walked anywhere near he took off with him......he needs to learn to share!!!
Jesse, Amy Dave and Lukas!!!!!!!!
Love these 4................:)
Jesse and Amy taking a few minutes alone!!

Me being artsy, fartsy!!
We are only a few weeks away from meeting Little miss Ward!
Don't fall Sarah!!
One Awesome Family!!
The sun was in the perfect position.....
Lukas found a anchor to climb!
This party boat heading out the channel to see the sunset....I couldn't believe how many people were in this boat...of how drunk they all seemed!!
Mommy and her favorite little man!
Teasing aunt Ya!!
Two happy faces!
My guys!
Someone needed there rest!
Lukas playing on the trapeze farness!!!
Rinsing off the sand!
While Sarah and the boys were out sailing, Lukas and gma dug and dug in the sand.....ok maybe gma dug and dug, someone else kept filling the hole back in!!
Those tootsies were loving the water!
Rant over...thanks for listening!! :)
They are my heart !!!!!
Then we buried said little boy and gmas legs! He LOVED this!!
He kept patting the sand nice and firm!
When the sailors returned to the beach we were telling them we couldn't find Lukas and he grabbed his shovel and hid behind it. LOL He did it all by hisself and stayed like that for a VERY long time!!! OMG it was too cute!
Somebody may have forgotten to use some sunscreen on her legs when she went sailing!!!
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