Wow, who can believe it? From the minute he came into the world he brought so much joy.
Now today he is 4 months old. Can you believe this is the same little face?
In these few short months he has brought an enormous amount of joy to all of us. It is so much fun to watch as he becomes his own little person. He can roll from front to back, almost from back to front. He is chatty and laughs most of the time.
He is still working on the sitting up thing, but is getting there. He usually only wakes up once in the night. His whole face lights up when he hears and sees his mommy and daddy.
And as you can see he is much loved by his g-ma because she allows a roly poly video of herself so you can see his cuteness!!!
We love and adore this little man and look forward to all the new and wonderful things to come!!
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