Happy birthday little buddy!!!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Can you BELIEVE it?!?!!
Happy, happy, happy, happy. Even when he isn't feeling well, or is teething he tries to be....well happy!!!
I can guarantee you that I am not the only one who enjoys being with Lukas. His g-pa is so taken with him. They are buddies, and Dave loves taking him around exploring. The minute they are together the "tough guy " melts. Now that Lukas is walking and chatting g-pa is more than happy to show him all kinds of things. When Lukas was tiny Dave would take him around and let him touch everything. His favorite was the lights....and he would bat them around which was fine until he was a little older and wanted to touch the lights wherever we went!!!
When you ask him how old he is he will hold up his little finger and show you that he is ONE!! I know "1 "can you believe it. How did this happen??? Feel free to go back and read some of the last years blogs to see how adorable he is!!
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Outnumbered 11 to 1
And.... with this it was time for us to pack up and head home!!!!
I can hardly believe that Lukas will be a year old in just a couple of weeks. I know I am prejudiced but, I believe he is the smartest little one. He loves to examine everything. When you ask him where something is he will look around for it and if you ask him to get it for, he will bring it to you. I asked him where his pants were and to bring them to g-ma and, he carried them to me from across the room!!!
He loves to have books read to him...and as you can see he loves to read them himself!!!
What???? This isn't how you read a book!!! :)
Lukas was not having the best of days. He was congested and clingy....not that I minded the hugging time!!! I just felt bad for him. He was still a trooper and wanted to play off and on. Why is it that after you spend time with others someone seems to end up not feeling well and you worry about if you passed it along....the joys of illness!!!!
I do want to tell you a small story.......oh come on.....listen up I said small...
Lukas loves phones???? We are not sure what the fascination is, but he does. Anyways, he had my phone and was opening and closing it. I asked if he wanted to see g-pa and I brought up a picture of Dave. Lukas put his head on his shoulder and went ohhhhhhhhhhh (ok so I am not sure how to type baby talk), or something like that. He would point at the phone and then he kissed it......I kid you not.....it was so adorable it melted my heart. I told you I would make it short...ya'll need to believe me!!
And when daddy got home he played for awhile.
Then wanted to be held. What better place than in his daddy's arms.
I had a great time visiting with all the girls. We definately need to do that more often, and include the little women in the family. I feel so thankful that we all get along so well and value family time.
Here is hoping Lukas feels better soon......he has a party to plan!!!!
Sunday, January 17, 2010
While we were outside I saw this little pest invading the owl box. Won't be long and he will have to be REALLY brave to play here. He did go in and stay.
And with that as incentive we come to the title of the blog!! Finally, we got the new camera in the box. Now, I know I may have mentioned a few times before that this was going to happen.
But, baby it's cold out there!!!!
I have to be honest and say I can't blame Dave for putting it off. We knew we were running out of time though as we are seeing and hearing the owls more often now. So up he climbed in the cold.
To replace this tiny camera.....careful don't drop the screws!!
So once the owls decide to make an appearance I can sit in a nice warm house and see this on my TV screen. (OK, so I am really hoping to see the owls not Dave's hand.)
When all the hard work is done what is there better to do than come inside and watch the Vikings annihilate the Cowboy's :) and do a puzzle!!.
So Finally!!! the camera is up and running!!!
Thank you Honey!!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
In the day of the BIG glasses and leisure suits, with the support of our parents....this pic happens to be with my parents.
Just under a year ago we were blessed with our first grandchild, and little love, Lukas.
They say you marry your best friend, and I can honestly say......33 years later I did!!!
Looking forward to at least 33 more......
Happy Anniversary honey....LOVE YA!!!
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Bad Blogger!!
We got to have our favorite little man for an overnight visit this weekend. Believe it or not I only took a very few pictures. We were having too much fun playing to take pics. I think the difference is that at his house he is a little more confined. He is learning so many things so fast these days. He is seriously walking everywhere, and can stand up so fast. If you ask him for something he goes and gets it and will carry it to you. He will stack the cups when you hand them to him. Don't you love the matching outfit g-ma is wearing!!
And like I told you before he loves things on the ceiling!!!
We had our friends Tom and Ann and the kids for dinner in the evening so that we could plan the big summer camp trip and biking adventure. While they were here Sarah was letting Lukas play with the owl we keep on Ed the head. He got ahold of one of Ed's horns and would not let go........luckily with a little help she was able to pry those fingers loose!! One of the other things that I thought was cute was when you would ask Lukas where was g-pa he would turn and look towards Dave's throne !!! He does love his g-pa!!!
I will try to be better at this blog thing.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Been awhile!!
This is just one of the cool toys I got for Christmas. It makes all sorts of real truck noises and I can walk around behind it all around the room. Thank you great grandma and grandpa.
When daddy came home he brought g-ma a frappichino from McDonald's and she was nice enough to share a little with me. I did get a little ice cream headache, but it was soooooo worth it. That whipped cream stuff is really yummy!!!!
Now you may think this is a little weird but I am absolutely fascinated with all kinds of things, but especially things on the ceiling. At my child care place they say I am their little fire inspector, because I have to check out all the smoke alarms. It is no different at home....I just love them here too!!! This was me in baby jail while g-ma helped make dinner, what.. she thinks I might try to get into things while she isn't looking???
Here I am at lunch time. G-ma and I were having a lot of fun. She was making some funny noises and if you look closely she says you can see my top tooth in this video!!
So what was it that g-ma was making for dinner?? Ohhh it was stuffed manicotti!!
Again a big thanks to Lukas for filling in the blanks by the pictures. He is such a joy to us all. Who would have believed how much he is doing. Walking everywhere, making all sorts of new sounds and when you ask him where something is he points to it. When I would tell him to get his new owl for me he went right to the toy box and got it out and held it up for me. I was VERY impressed. He points to noses when asked and eyes also......except with my glasses he finds those more interesting than the eyes.....and boy does he have a grip!!!
On the home front I thought you would like to see what was eating ALL my suet the other day.
He is one big bird.
On Sunday it was 7 degrees when we woke up. Dave was out and noticed Hootie sitting in a tree across the drive. She was sunning herself and was puffed up trying to stay warm. This morning before it was light out I heard them right behind the house "monkey chatting" with one another.
Sorry it took so long to get a new blog up. Hope you enjoyed it!!!