It is almost inconceivable to me that tomorrow Jan. 29, 2009 we welcomed Lukas into our family. Do you realize that is one year ago!!! How did that happen? Look at that incredible little guy. I will have to be honest here and say, although I knew I would love being a g-ma I had NO idea how much I would LOVE IT!!
Jesse and Amy are head over heels IN LOVE with this little guy. They are incredible parents. I think they are doing a great job in raising Lukas. From the beginning he had a relaxed demeanour. I am sure there were times, but really he has been so good natured.

Right from the beginning he has been inquisitive. He always seemed to be taking it all in.
Happy, happy, happy, happy. Even when he isn't feeling well, or is teething he tries to be....well happy!!!
I can guarantee you that I am not the only one who enjoys being with Lukas. His g-pa is so taken with him. They are buddies, and Dave loves taking him around exploring. The minute they are together the "tough guy " melts. Now that Lukas is walking and chatting g-pa is more than happy to show him all kinds of things. When Lukas was tiny Dave would take him around and let him touch everything. His favorite was the lights....and he would bat them around which was fine until he was a little older and wanted to touch the lights wherever we went!!!
And of course his Aunt Ya Ya (Sarah) spends as little time with him as she can!! NOT!! She is a GREAT aunt and when she can, she goes to V-burg to babysit and if they come to town she drops everything to come over also. She loves to make him laugh, and she doesn't even mind changing those wonderful diapers!!
OK, so what has this year brought to Lukas. Call me biased if you need to but ,I am impressed with what he can do. He walked at 10 months. Not only walking but, getting around really well. He stands up REALLY fast and loves to carry things all over. Crawling is a thing of the past. He is also quite the dancer, loves music and really "gets down". He has 4 and a half teeth and they are so cute.
He seems to pick up things really quickly. He can be playing and if you ask him where something or someone is he stops what he is doing and looks around till he spots it. And when you ask him to get something he finds it and runs to pick it up, then he will bring it to whomever you tell him to. The other night when he was here he never made a mistake in who he was asked to take things to.

Although he makes all the sounds da,ma,ga,ba and various combinations of all of those, we truly believe his first real word will be light!! Ya, I know what the heck. He LOVES lights and ceiling fans!!! The ladies at his child care say just wait, once he figures it out this boy is going to have a lot to say. He is constantly chattering. As I have said before I know he says hi and g-ma also!!
Let me have my moment will ya!!!
He is feeding himself really well, doesn't want you to feed it to him. He is trying with a spoon and fork, which he is good at if you put the food onto it for him.
When you ask him how old he is he will hold up his little finger and show you that he is ONE!! I know "1 "can you believe it. How did this happen??? Feel free to go back and read some of the last years blogs to see how adorable he is!!
On Sunday we will get together with family and friends to celebrate this little guys big day!! I can't wait to see what kind of damage he can do to his cake!!! Stay tuned it will be fun!!!!HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKAS!!!
We LOVE you!!!
Can't wait to see the photographic evidence of his birthday party!
ReplyDeleteThis is Renee by the way...too lazy to sign in as myself on Greg-o's computer!