Peek-a-boo I see you!!! I know you're surprised aren't you?? It has been a long time since G-ma has let me work on my blog!! It has been a really busy time with my first holiday season. I had soooo much fun and I got a lot of really cool new things. Thank you to everyone!!
Hopefully soon things will all be back to a regular schedule...I have been a doing a lot of running around. Besides that I have also had an ear infection and I finally got one of my top teeth. Man that was a real pain..hope the next one comes in a little easier!!! If you look closely you can just see it. This was taken during lunch yesterday when g-ma finally came down to watch me. I was showing off my awesome spoon drumming skills.
So besides the holidays what have I been up to you ask!!?? Well, lets see. I have decided that the best way to make it around is walking. I can stand up from the middle of the floor and I am figuring out how to step over and around things.
I am trying really hard to master some new sounds. G-ma is very sure that I say hi.....hey, let her have her moment will ya!!! And now that I have the gaaa sound down she is POSITIVE that I am saying hi g-ma...........oooookay then!!!! G-ma says you can be the judge.
Mommy is happy to see that the back of my hair seems to be a little bit curly!!!
It can also get REALLY out of control after I have a hat on or after I just wake up!! This was while mommy, daddy and I were making Christmas cookies for Santa and they finally let me take the santa hat off!!
This is just one of the cool toys I got for Christmas. It makes all sorts of real truck noises and I can walk around behind it all around the room. Thank you great grandma and grandpa.
When daddy came home he brought g-ma a frappichino from McDonald's and she was nice enough to share a little with me. I did get a little ice cream headache, but it was soooooo worth it. That whipped cream stuff is really yummy!!!!
Now you may think this is a little weird but I am absolutely fascinated with all kinds of things, but especially things on the ceiling. At my child care place they say I am their little fire inspector, because I have to check out all the smoke alarms. It is no different at home....I just love them here too!!! This was me in baby jail while g-ma helped make dinner, what.. she thinks I might try to get into things while she isn't looking??? Funny g-ma!!
Here I am at lunch time. G-ma and I were having a lot of fun. She was making some funny noises and if you look closely she says you can see my top tooth in this video!!
So what was it that g-ma was making for dinner?? Ohhh it was stuffed manicotti!!
Can I just say......YUMMY!!!
Mommy was trying to help me with my eating skills. It is really too bad that g-ma stopped filming when she did because....yes that noodle did go up my nose. It was really neat how it would go in and out when I took a breath. Too bad g-ma maybe next time!!!
Anyways, that is what is new with me. It won't be long and I will be one year old. I keep hearing talk about something called a party!!?? Not sure what that is but it sounds like it will be a lot of fun. I have never seen the show before but g-ma says it was called the Carol Burnett show and when she signed off she always tugged on her ear......Well, okay here goes......Lukas signing off!!
Again a big thanks to Lukas for filling in the blanks by the pictures. He is such a joy to us all. Who would have believed how much he is doing. Walking everywhere, making all sorts of new sounds and when you ask him where something is he points to it. When I would tell him to get his new owl for me he went right to the toy box and got it out and held it up for me. I was VERY impressed. He points to noses when asked and eyes also......except with my glasses he finds those more interesting than the eyes.....and boy does he have a grip!!!
On the home front I thought you would like to see what was eating ALL my suet the other day.
He is one big bird.
On Sunday it was 7 degrees when we woke up. Dave was out and noticed Hootie sitting in a tree across the drive. She was sunning herself and was puffed up trying to stay warm. This morning before it was light out I heard them right behind the house "monkey chatting" with one another.

Sorry it took so long to get a new blog up. Hope you enjoyed it!!!
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