And.... with this it was time for us to pack up and head home!!!!
I can hardly believe that Lukas will be a year old in just a couple of weeks. I know I am prejudiced but, I believe he is the smartest little one. He loves to examine everything. When you ask him where something is he will look around for it and if you ask him to get it for, he will bring it to you. I asked him where his pants were and to bring them to g-ma and, he carried them to me from across the room!!!
He loves to have books read to him...and as you can see he loves to read them himself!!!
What???? This isn't how you read a book!!! :)
Lukas was not having the best of days. He was congested and clingy....not that I minded the hugging time!!! I just felt bad for him. He was still a trooper and wanted to play off and on. Why is it that after you spend time with others someone seems to end up not feeling well and you worry about if you passed it along....the joys of illness!!!!
I do want to tell you a small story.......oh come on.....listen up I said small...
Lukas loves phones???? We are not sure what the fascination is, but he does. Anyways, he had my phone and was opening and closing it. I asked if he wanted to see g-pa and I brought up a picture of Dave. Lukas put his head on his shoulder and went ohhhhhhhhhhh (ok so I am not sure how to type baby talk), or something like that. He would point at the phone and then he kissed it......I kid you was so adorable it melted my heart. I told you I would make it short...ya'll need to believe me!!
And when daddy got home he played for awhile.
Then wanted to be held. What better place than in his daddy's arms.
I had a great time visiting with all the girls. We definately need to do that more often, and include the little women in the family. I feel so thankful that we all get along so well and value family time.
Here is hoping Lukas feels better soon......he has a party to plan!!!!
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