I need to start this blog out with a video. Lukas was, without a doubt thrilled to have his grandma watching him. He was very happy and chatty. If you listen carefully you can hear him saying "I love you grandma" ....YES you can. I can hear it as plain as day! Pay very close attention and I know you too will hear it.
Aunt Sarah and Jesse have decided on a "nickname" for Lukas. They both call him Mr. Cheeks and from the first 2 pictures I am sure you can tell why! They are without a doubt great nuzzling cheeks.
I love the look on this little face. I think it needs a caption...any ideas?
Who could resist a video (or picture with buttons). He was telling stories, and I am not sure they were all true. He has almost outgrown his little tub already. He still found plenty of splashing room and I had the wet clothes to prove it.
Both Amy and Jesse were a little leery when I showed up with a pair of "babylegs" leg warmers for Lukas. Hey, what can I say I read too many blogs with cute little kids and they all had them. But, come on don't you think he was really rockin' the froggy legs. He Loved them!
As you can see from the following, Lukas has taken up walking. He does need a little assistance from mommy but all in all he is really doing well. I am sure the frog "babylegs" are helping him. Once again I had a great time with all of my awesome Vicksburg family. It is so nice to see them all together and loving this little fellow. I have more to share but will save them for the next post.
Thanks for staying in touch with us!
I love the baby legs!! I think Mr. Cheeks looks like he was going to make his own bubble bath in one of those pictures!